Case Manager

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The Case Manager is a Lawbot Manager Boss who was introduced in the v1.2.0 update. He can be found in the Overclocked C.L.O. boss battle. His first appearance was in Corporate Clash's 9th comic: Hired Help

The Case Manager is a member of The Litigation Team. He specializes in healing Cogs and binding Toons into taking damage over time.


Case Manager Attacks
Eviction Notice


Restraining Order


Fountain Pen


Guilt Trip




Damage 38 39 33 31 36
Damage (Desperation) 54 55 47 44 51
Accuracy 85 90 90 90 95
Frequency 15 10 35 30 10


Lure resistance.png

The Case Manager can only be lured for 2 rounds.

LegalBindings Banner.png

Every two rounds (or as soon as he wakes up from Lure), the Case Manager will wrap one Toon into a legal binding, forcing them to take 20 damage for Two Rounds. A new Legal Binding can stack in time with the old one if it managed to hit the same Toon. Legally bound Toons will have a maroon roll of tape on their right wrist. This cheat cannot miss.

Insurance Plan.png

The Case Manager will throw an insurance paper at himself and up to two random Cogs, granting them the Insurance Status Effect. Cogs with Insurance are granted 2 rounds of Lure Resistance, standard Manager benefits (immunity to Cease & Desists and Pink Slips), and will heal 50 HP every round. Healing can cause Overcharge (more explained below) with a maximum overheal of 100% the Cog's original HP. Cogs that have been Sued and receive Insurance will have the Sued effect removed, and Cogs that have been Lured for more than two rounds will have that effect reduced to two rounds. He will periodically shift the insurance paper to somebody else after two rounds (or if he is Lured, as soon as he wakes up). Cogs with insurance will have green sparkles floating around their feet. This status effect can stack in duration if it is reapplied to a Cog that already has insurance.

Overcharged Banner.png

Once Cogs overheal by 50% their original HP, they will become Overcharged. Overcharged Cogs deal 50% more damage and can only be lured for 2 rounds. They will also receive standard Manager benefits (immunity to Sues and Fires).

Desperation banner.png

This cheat will trigger once the Case Manager is the last Manager standing on his side. It will increase the Case Manager's Lure Resistance by 1 round and make him deal 40% more damage.

Manager Synergy Cheats

The Litigation Team has unique benefits where different pairing of managers can completely alter how some cheats and its bonuses function.

Case Manager Synergy Cheats:

When paired with the Litigator:

  • All Cogs that join will instantly be hooked on the Insurance Plan for two rounds.

When paired with the Stenographer:

  • Once the Legally Bound Status Effect wears off on any Toon, the Stenographer will use Court Sanction on that Toon, dealing 25 damage and reducing Gag effectiveness by 25%.

When paired with the Scapegoat:

  • When the Scapegoat enters his Enraged Mode, the Case Manager will apply a second pair of Legal Bindings to another Toon. When the Scapegoat puts his Shields Up, the Case Manager applies a second pair of Insurance Plan to other Cogs.
  • The healing of Insurance Plan is increased to 85.


Banner Loot Sweet.png



Litigation Round Cutscene Main Page: Overclocked Chief Legal Officer


All Attacks/Cheats
  • "Hmph..."
  • "Hrnhmpf..."
  • "Hrm..."
  • "Hm, hm..."


Face-Off Taunts
  • "Hmmph."
  • "Mmph."
Death Taunts
  • "Case closed."
  • "Good that our time was brief."
  • "If you can't bare the loss, don't consider coming back."
  • "Hmph. Manage with your loss."
Surrender Taunt
  • "We still have unfinished business."
Friend Request Denials
  • "How lonely are you to try and friend me?" The Case Manager says.
  • "You can manage without me," The Case Manager explains. "You have so far."
  • "Hmph," The Case Manager scoffs.
  • The Case Manager looks at you with a chilling stare.


The Litigation Team is unique in that each Cog has its own base track that plays on top of another battle theme. This unique System allows for a different battle theme with every new combination of members!

Theme Audio File
Base Theme
Case Manager
Case Manager/Litigator
Case Manager/Stenographer
Case Manager/Scapegoat

Sound Effects




Insurance Plan
Insurance Plan
Insurance Plan
Legal Bindings

Version History

v.1.8.0 BETA
  • Buff (Cogs) When Case Manager is paired with Scapegoat, Insurance Plan heals 85 instead of 50.
  • Rebalance (Cogs) Allowed Case Manager to insure cogs that are already insured, preventing rounds where he only insures himself.
v1.7.0 BETA
  • Visual Change Made some additional visual improvements to some Manager ability animations, such as Bayou Bellow, Insurance Plan, and Scapegoat's Rage.
  • Visual Change Re-animated most Cog animations from Toontown Online for every Cog body type.
  • Visual Change Introduced new Cog reaction animations to Sound Gags.
  • Visual Change Introduced a new Cog reaction animation to large Throw Gags (Birthday Cake and Wedding Cake).
v1.4.0 BETA
  • Rebalance (Cogs) Various balance changes have been made the Overclocked C.L.O. fight to make it more engaging, including moderate balance changes to the Litigation Team.
    • Nerf (Cogs) The Case Manager's defense has decreased from 75 -> 70.
    • Buff (Cogs) The Case Manager's health has increased from 3750 to 4250.
    • Buff (Cogs) Insurance Plan can now cause Overcharge at the appropriate threshold.
      • Wiki Note The cheat also has faster animations.
    • Buff (Cogs) Insurance Plan can now target 3 Cogs instead of 2 (including the Case Manager).
  • Info/Miscellaneous Three brand new loot drops have been added to each member of the Litigation Team!
    • Each manager will drop their respective sticker, as well as two returning drops from the Break the Law event.
      • Visual Change Some of these returning drops have received updated looks and names.
      • Wiki Note The Case Manager now has The Book of Law and the Metallic Bowtie as Loot drops in addition to his own Sticker.
    • Toons will have a chance to earn drops from all four managers each time they complete the Overclocked C.L.O. battle, regardless of what managers they fought.
v1.3.0 BETA
  • Rebalance (Cogs) The Litigation Team now practices social distancing.
    • Wiki Note Cogs will now spawn between the two starting Managers.
  • Visual Change Cogs and Skelecogs now sport new high-quality models, fixing many visual issues with their old models and bringing their visual quality up-to-par with modern standards.
v1.2.7 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Certain minibosses have been given brand new voice samples!
    • Currently, this applies to:
      • The Litigation Team
  • Visual Change And in addition, there are now new, persistent visuals for the following events in-battle:
    • Case Manager's Insurance and Legal Bindings
v1.2.1 BETA
  • Buff (Cogs) Insurance will now remove the Sued status effect from Cogs when applied.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Heals from Insurance will now display slightly faster.
v1.2.0.4 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug that would cause Sanction to trigger less often than intended while fighting the Stenographer and Case Manager in the Overclocked C.L.O. battle.
v1.2.0 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Dissatisfied with her losses against the Toons, the C.L.O. has taken up an offer from the Chairman to get back at them. In the new "Overclocked" version of her battle, the C.L.O. will be pulling out all the stops to create the greatest challenge that Toons have yet seen!
    • Wiki Note The Case Manager is added to the game.
Undocumented Changes
  • Info/Miscellaneous The Case Manager's Gumball Sweetener was increased from 10 -> 15


  • A case manager is someone who is in charge of all legal info and elements in a case.
  • The Case Manager rarely speaks, mumbling whenever he uses an attack.
    • He will only speak when he yells at the Scapegoat, when the player tries to befriend him, and when he wipes out a side of Toons.
  • The Legal Bindings cheat uses a darkened variant of the Red Tape attack.
  • The Insurance Plan cheat is similar to the Club President's Tip cheat, due to both using the same sounds and animation.
  • The Case Manager is the only Litigation Team member who doesn’t have a blue skin tone.
  • The Case Manager is the first Manager to have "Manager" in its name.
  • According to a tweet posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter, the Case Manager and the Stenographer ran an insurance company called "A Brief Case of Insurance Company".
    • This insurance company was one of the seventeen companies that crumbled with the death of the Witness Stand-In.
  • According to Judy in one of the Directives, the Case Manager has anger issues.
  • The Case Manager is currently the only Cog whose "murmur" voiceclip uses a different structure.
  • In addition to being a reference to the shape of his head, the Case Manager's real name (Barry Brief) may be a pun on the phrase 'very brief'.


The Cogs
Employees Sellbots Cold CallerTelemarketerName DropperGlad HanderMover & ShakerTwo-FaceMinglerMr. Hollywood
Cashbots Short ChangePenny PincherTightwadBean CounterNumber CruncherMoney BagsLoan SharkRobber Baron
Lawbots Bottom FeederBloodsuckerDouble TalkerAmbulance ChaserBack StabberSpin DoctorLegal EagleBig Wig
Bossbots FlunkyPencil PusherYesmanMicromanagerDownsizerHead HunterCorporate RaiderBig CheeseAutocaddie
Boardbots BagholderPaper HandsInsiderCircuit BreakerDeadlockShark WatcherMagnateHead Honcho
Specialist Cogs Field Specialists NeedlenoseShysterBarrister
Operations Analysts PettifoggerConveyancerAdvocate
Manager Bosses Facility Managers Factory ForemanMint SupervisorHead AttorneyClub PresidentUnstable Cogs
Taskline Managers Derrick ManLand Acquisition ArchitectPublic Relations RepresentativeDerrick HandDirector of Land DevelopmentDirector of Public Affairs
Street Managers Duck ShufflerDeep DiverGatekeeperBellringerMouthpieceFirestarterTreekillerFeatherbedder
Kudos Managers PrethinkerRainmakerWitch HunterMultislackerMajor PlayerPlutocratSatellite InvestorsChainsaw ConsultantPacesetter
The Litigation Team LitigatorStenographerCase ManagerScapegoat
Contractors Count ErclaimCount ErfitHigh Roller
Secretaries JudyJasonJennifer
Cog Bosses Senior Vice PresidentChief Financial OfficerChief Legal OfficerChief Executive OfficerChief Operating OfficerThe Chairman
Overclocked Bosses Overclocked Chief Legal Officer
Removed Cogs ClerkChief JusticeChief of DollarsCount Erclaim (Pre-Redesign)Sads the SkelecogRedd 'Heir' WingWitness Stand-InDirector of Land AcquisitionDirector of Public RelationsCon ArtistConnoisseurSwindlerMiddlemanToxic ManagerBig Fish