Streets connect Playgrounds to other Neighborhoods or Cog Headquarters. Streets are populated with Toon Shops which can be taken over by Cog Buildings. Some of these Shops will give out Sidetasks, optional ToonTasks which can be completed to unlock miscellaneous rewards and Toon Experience.
Cogs patrol the streets, with their level range being tied to the street and Neighborhood they're in (for more on Street Cog statistics, see: Street Cog Spawns). Each Neighborhood also has its own Street Manager, a Manager Cog that will patrol any of its streets.
Each street has a Gag N' Go, a van-based shop where Toons can buy Gags for a slightly higher price. Fishing Docks can also be found on some streets, as well as Knock Knock Doors. By standing directly in front of a Knock Knock Door, a knock knock joke will play out, healing the Toon afterward. This will heal the same amount as the Neighborhood's treasure, accounting for any Kudos Rank enhancements.
Pages in category "Streets"
The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.