Doze Were Mine!/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Doze Were Mine!

"Night Terrors Theatre reportedly stopped their showings, to the disappointment of... well, everyone here, really."
"I know it's not really the most important thing on our to-do list, but you gotta help us out!"
"Count Napula's films always help us get through the night. We need those scares to keep us on our toes!"

"A one, a two, a three, a four..."
"FOUR! Four whole film reels, missing!"
"Just vhen I thought I was done vith those vicked Boardbots!"
"How can I keep this neighborhood entertained vithout my most popular shows?"
"You vill help me, von't you? Please! Go find them!"

"Vonderful! You found all four, and vithout a scratch on them."
"But there's another thing. I can't run my theatre without it."
"Vhat good vould a theatre be if it didn't have a popcorn machine!"
"The Machine is still here, but some pieces are missing. A building should have a replacement."

"Ah, there you are!"
"I hope it vasn't too much trouble for you. Those Boardbots even give me a fright!"
"There's only one more thing that needs repairs..."
"My soda fountain is out of fizz. I can't serve flat soda!"
"There's a pond down the street vhere you can fish for bubbles. Yes, bubbles!"

"A one, a two, a three... that's it, that's everything! I don't know vhat I vould have done vithout you!"
"I hope I haven't kept anyone vaiting too long."
"Here, have a soda on the house. You're velcome to stop by vhenever you like."

"Night Terrors Theatre is back? Ooh, I can't wait to see what they're playing tonight!"
"I'll make sure to spread the word. I know Toons are eager to return!"
"Thanks for getting the films rolling again, [Toon Name]."