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Employees are basic Cogs that usually have no special attributes to them. Most departments have a total of 8 employee Cogs, with the only exception being Bossbots, who have a total of 9 employees. The only employees to have any kinds of special attributes are Autocaddies, who have custom health values.

Cog Health

A standard Cog's health can be calculated using the standard formula: f(x)=(x+1)×(x+2)

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Health 6 12 20 30 42 56 72 90 110 132 156 182 210
Level 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Health 240 272 306 342 380 420 462 506 552 600 650 702 756
Level 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Health 812 870 930 992 1056 1122 1190 1260 1332 1406 1482 1560 1640
Level 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Health 1722 1806 1892 1980 2070 2162 2256 2352 2450 2550 2652

Employees List

The following is a list of all Employee Cogs:

Employees ‎
Sellbots Cashbots Lawbots Bossbots Boardbots
Coldcaller CG.gif
Cold Caller
Shortchange CG.gif
Short Change
Bottom Feeder
Flunky CG.gif
Telemarketer CG.gif
Pennypincher CG.gif
Penny Pincher
Pencilpusher CG.gif
Pencil Pusher
Paper Hands
Namedropper CG.gif
Name Dropper
Tightwad CG.gif
Double Talker
Yesman CG.gif
Gladhander CG.gif
Glad Hander
Beancounter CG.gif
Bean Counter
Ambulance Chaser
Micromanager CG.gif
Circuit Breaker
Mover&shaker CG.gif
Mover & Shaker
Numbercruncher CG.gif
Number Cruncher
Back Stabber
Downsizer CG.gif
Twoface CG.gif
Moneybags CG.gif
Money Bags
Spin Doctor
Headhunter CG.gif
Head Hunter
Shark Watcher
Mingler CG.gif
Loanshark CG.gif
Loan Shark
Legal Eagle Gal.gif
Legal Eagle
Corporateraider CG.gif
Corporate Raider
Mrbollywood CG.gif
Mr. Hollywood
Robberbaron CG.gif
Robber Baron
Big Wig
Bigcheese CG.gif
Big Cheese
Head Honcho
Autocaddie CG.gif


Death Taunts (level 1)
  • "That is one way to get promoted quickly."
  • "I'm no rug ranker anymore."
  • "I can't wait to tell this story at the water cooler."
  • "Not bad for my first day."
  • "Oh, I didn't expect that."
Death Taunts (level 2+)
  • "Seems you had many weak links."
  • "You'll need better synergy than that to beat us."
  • "Toons that stay together, green together."
Flee Battle Taunts
  • "Well, that makes my job easier."
  • "That's right, you better run."
  • "Easy."
Surrender Taunts
  • "Chickening out? How befitting of a Toon."
  • "If you've truly learned your lesson, you won't come back."
  • "Hmph. The Toon Resistance never fails to disappoint."
  • "It's such a shame to see you back out of this deal."
Brush-Off Taunts
  • "It's my day off."
  • "I believe you're in the wrong office."
  • "Have your people call my people."
  • "You're in no position to meet with me."
  • "Talk to my assistant."
  • "There's a restraining order coming your way."
Friend Request Denials
  • "[Cog] says, "We're just not meant to be, Toon."
  • "[Cog] says, "I'll bring it up in the next meeting."
  • "[Cog] says, "I'd rather volunteer to visit the chop shop."
  • "[Cog] stares blankly at you: "No."
  • "[Cog] says, "We both know there are no good intentions here, Toon."
  • "[Cog] looks at you, mumbles some Cog-like words, and resumes its activities.
  • "[Cog] says, "Get some real friends, Toon."
  • "[Cog] says, "Hand over your gags and laff and we have a deal."
  • "[Cog] says, "I'm not looking for anything more serious than what we already have."
  • "[Cog] said yes! ...Not really though, unfortunately..."
  • "[Cog] points to their watch, saying, "I don't have time for this nonsense."
  • Death taunts are used when a Cog defeats a Toon.
  • Flee taunts are used when all Toons have fled from a Cog battle.
  • Surrender taunts are used when Toons surrender in a battle they can't flee from.
  • Brush-off taunts are used when a Cog refuses to engage in battle with a Toon (usually due to technical restraints). Some employee Cogs have unique brush off taunts.

Sound Effects

Neutral Female
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3


  • Tier 1 Cogs always have the fat body shape, while Tier 8 Cogs always have the buff body shape.
  • While these Cogs only have three sound effects for questions, only one is used.
  • These Cogs do not have an "indifferent" voiceclips that Toons have (meaning that they do not have a unique sound effect when their dialogue has ellipsis). This results in the Cog not using any sound effect at all.
The Cogs
Employees Sellbots Cold CallerTelemarketerName DropperGlad HanderMover & ShakerTwo-FaceMinglerMr. Hollywood
Cashbots Short ChangePenny PincherTightwadBean CounterNumber CruncherMoney BagsLoan SharkRobber Baron
Lawbots Bottom FeederBloodsuckerDouble TalkerAmbulance ChaserBack StabberSpin DoctorLegal EagleBig Wig
Bossbots FlunkyPencil PusherYesmanMicromanagerDownsizerHead HunterCorporate RaiderBig CheeseAutocaddie
Boardbots BagholderPaper HandsInsiderCircuit BreakerDeadlockShark WatcherMagnateHead Honcho
Specialist Cogs Field Specialists NeedlenoseShysterBarrister
Operations Analysts PettifoggerConveyancerAdvocate
Manager Bosses Facility Managers Factory ForemanMint SupervisorHead AttorneyClub PresidentUnstable Cogs
Taskline Managers Derrick ManLand Acquisition ArchitectPublic Relations RepresentativeDerrick HandDirector of Land DevelopmentDirector of Public Affairs
Street Managers Duck ShufflerDeep DiverGatekeeperBellringerMouthpieceFirestarterTreekillerFeatherbedder
Kudos Managers PrethinkerRainmakerWitch HunterMultislackerMajor PlayerPlutocratSatellite InvestorsChainsaw ConsultantPacesetter
The Litigation Team LitigatorStenographerCase ManagerScapegoat
Contractors Count ErclaimCount ErfitHigh Roller
Secretaries JudyJasonJennifer
Cog Bosses Senior Vice PresidentChief Financial OfficerChief Legal OfficerChief Executive OfficerChief Operating OfficerThe Chairman
Overclocked Bosses Overclocked Chief Legal Officer
Removed Cogs ClerkChief JusticeChief of DollarsCount Erclaim (Pre-Redesign)Sads the SkelecogRedd 'Heir' WingWitness Stand-InDirector of Land AcquisitionDirector of Public RelationsCon ArtistConnoisseurSwindlerMiddlemanToxic ManagerBig Fish