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Jennifer is a Boardbot Manager that works as a Department Secretary in Boardbot Headquarters. As Boardbot Headquarters has yet to release, Jennifer can't be located anywhere in-game. Jennifer was initially mentioned during the 1st Corporate Clash Comic: Annual Review, however her first official appearance was in the 7th Corporate Clash Comic: Lawfice Space.


  • Like all of the other secretaries, both Jennifer's first and last name begin with the letter J.
  • Jennifer is the Cog that hired the 16 Regional Managers released in the v1.3.0 Hires & Heroes update.
    • Viewing their profiles directly from her account unlocks a unique "Interviewer Notes" section.
  • Despite being a Micromanager, a Bossbot Cog, Jennifer is a Boardbot instead.
  • On the website, Jennifer's username is jacksonjennifer and her password is soylmechiatto.
    • Her password was found by answering a security question about her favorite drink delivered by IT support when trying to access her account. Her username was found by lining up the "lastnamefirstname" theme from the other Regional Managers.
  • Jennifer and Judy are the only two Secretaries with images on the Employee Panel.
  • Jennifer is the only secretary with a unique Suit Name, being called "Department Secretary". Every other secretary is simply titled "Secretary".


The Cogs
Employees Sellbots Cold CallerTelemarketerName DropperGlad HanderMover & ShakerTwo-FaceMinglerMr. Hollywood
Cashbots Short ChangePenny PincherTightwadBean CounterNumber CruncherMoney BagsLoan SharkRobber Baron
Lawbots Bottom FeederBloodsuckerDouble TalkerAmbulance ChaserBack StabberSpin DoctorLegal EagleBig Wig
Bossbots FlunkyPencil PusherYesmanMicromanagerDownsizerHead HunterCorporate RaiderBig CheeseAutocaddie
Boardbots BagholderPaper HandsInsiderCircuit BreakerDeadlockShark WatcherMagnateHead Honcho
Specialist Cogs Field Specialists NeedlenoseShysterBarrister
Operations Analysts PettifoggerConveyancerAdvocate
Manager Bosses Facility Managers Factory ForemanMint SupervisorHead AttorneyClub PresidentUnstable Cogs
Taskline Managers Derrick ManLand Acquisition ArchitectPublic Relations RepresentativeDerrick HandDirector of Land DevelopmentDirector of Public Affairs
Street Managers Duck ShufflerDeep DiverGatekeeperBellringerMouthpieceFirestarterTreekillerFeatherbedder
Kudos Managers PrethinkerRainmakerWitch HunterMultislackerMajor PlayerPlutocratSatellite InvestorsChainsaw ConsultantPacesetter
The Litigation Team LitigatorStenographerCase ManagerScapegoat
Contractors Count ErclaimCount ErfitHigh Roller
Secretaries JudyJasonJennifer
Cog Bosses Senior Vice PresidentChief Financial OfficerChief Legal OfficerChief Executive OfficerChief Operating OfficerThe Chairman
Overclocked Bosses Overclocked Chief Legal Officer
Removed Cogs ClerkChief JusticeChief of DollarsCount Erclaim (Pre-Redesign)Sads the SkelecogRedd 'Heir' WingWitness Stand-InDirector of Land AcquisitionDirector of Public RelationsCon ArtistConnoisseurSwindlerMiddlemanToxic ManagerBig Fish