Make Your Bed And Lie In It/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Make Your Bed And Lie In It

"Zzz... zzz... H-huh?"
"Oh... hi. I didn't see you there..."
"We've been even sleepier than usual lately."
"Our favorite hibernation station... has been closed all week."
"Teddy Blair can't figure out where all of their pillows went..."
"No one can get good sleep without them."
"No place does... deep sleep better than..."
"Zzz... zzz..."

"Um... sorry, friend. The House of Hibernation is shutting its doors until further notice."
"Nobody can catch any Z's without a comfy pillow to lie their head on..."
"Normally I have plenty, but now I don't have a single one. Some Toon made off with them all."
"I, um, didn't see it happen. I fell asleep early one night, with my door unlocked."
"The next thing I know, I wake up to nothing but a single feather, left behind from one of the pillows."
"Um, I don't know if it'll do any good, but can you ask Detective Slumber for help?"
"Maybe this feather can be used as evidence. Take it with you."

"What's that? A case of stolen pillows?"
"Ah, and you have evidence too. Let me see here..."
"This isn't from a pillow at all! It's made of metal!"
"[Toon Name], I think we have a much bigger problem on our hands."
"Something that sleeps on the job more than all Toons combined!"
"I've been keeping an eye on a new Cog circling the area."
"They'll do anything to keep us from disrupting their slumber."
"Look for a Cog called the Featherbedder. I bet if anyone has seen those pillows, it's them."

"You found them!"
"Um... what happened to them all?"
"They look like they were sat on by a big weight. They're as flat as paper!"
"Better than, um, nothing... I guess."
"It'll just take a little extra fluffing before I open for business again."
"Um, even if they're not in the best condition, thank you for finding them."

"Zzz... zzz... w-what?"
"The House of Hibernation is back in... yawn... business?"
"You've done a favor for... all of us... sleepyheads, [Toon Name]."
"We can finally get some long needed..."
"Zzz... zzz..."