Outback at the Barnyard ToonTask 2

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During Outback at the Barnyard, a special ToonTask was available to Toons on Team Outback. Toons could pick this task up from either Bucky Barnyard or Olly Outback in Toontown Central depending on which team they chose to support.

Task Steps

  • Visit Bucky Barnyard/Olly Outback in the Toontown Central Playground
  • Return to Bucky Barnyard/Olly Outback in the Toontown Central Playground
    • Help a Toon 150 Laff or less defeat 50 Cogs Anywhere
  • Return to Bucky Barnyard/Olly Outback in the Toontown Central Playground
    • Recover 15 pieces of Litter from The Cogs Anywhere
  • Return to Bucky Barnyard/Olly Outback in the Toontown Central Playground
    • Defeat 150 Cogs Anywhere
  • Return to Bucky Barnyard/Olly Outback in the Toontown Central Playground

Task Script

Outback at the Barnyard's 2nd Task Script
The Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki has a separate article for Outback at the Barnyard's 2nd Task Script.


Team Barnyard Barnyard Vacation
Team Score Multiplier
Team Outback Outback Vacation
Team Score Multiplier