Professor Problem's Peril/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Professor Problem's Peril

"Quick, Professor Problem has a major problem!"
"No, I don't mean a major IN problems. She has an actual problem!"
"It's bad enough that it's put a complete stop to her tutoring sessions!"
"Can you try and help her solve it? Her shop is on Twilight Terrace."

"Oh, you must be the Toon that Headquarters sent over."
"Do you hear that? That clanging and clattering?"
"Doesn't that hideous racket shake you to your core?"
"It's so disruptive. I can't tutor my students in an environment like this!"
"It's already hard enough when it's quiet!"
"You'll help me, won't you? I just need one thing."
"The perfect solution to any acoustic obstacle: earplugs!"
"You can usually find them in the ponds nearby. Just make sure to wring them out!"

"Well, it's a start, I suppose."
"But I can still hear too much noise, even with these in my ears!"
"And now I can't hear what you're saying, nor my students. I can't teach with these."
"We may need to approach this problem at its source."
"I think those Cog Buildings are the culprits, with their constant flow of Cogs disrupting the entire street!"
"Would you take down a few of them? That should teach them a lesson."

"It's better, but not quiet enough!"
"I can hear the stomping of their heavy shoes in the streets."
"Would you head back out there and get rid of them?"
"Focus on the biggest and loudest ones, please."

"I can still hear their footsteps, but it's much quieter now."
"I think I can work with this, even if it's still a minor nuisance."
"Thank you for putting a stop to all of that racket!"

"Professor Problem's problem has been solved!"
"If you ask me, you've definitely earned an A+ on that assignment."