Quiet Hours/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Quiet Hours

"Whispering Willow is already such a quiet Toon, but recently she's lost her voice altogether."
"Toons have been worried sick about her. No one can figure out what she needs to get her voice back."
"Maybe you can figure out something? Head over to Talking in Your Sleep Voice Training on Pajama Place."

"  "
"  "
"  "
"  "

Whispering Willow shrugs

"  "
Whispering Willow reacts bored
"  "

"  "
Whispering Willow reacts surprised
"  "
"  "

Whispering Willow reacts angry

"  "
"  "
"  "
"  "

Whispering Willow reacts bored

"  "
"can you hear me?"
"thanks for trying to help. i think i wore out my voice, so i just have to wait."
"i tried talking in a normal voice earlier, but... i think it was too much for me."
"i prefer to be quiet, anyway."

"It's too bad we can't do anything to speed up the process, but I'm glad you were able to figure out what happened to her."
"Thanks for checking in on Whispering Willow. I'm sure she appreciates having the megaphone around when she needs the extra volume."