Scarf Snatcher

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Scarf Snatcher was a limited time Special Event Task that was available during the New Years 2019 and New Years 2020 events. Toons could pick up this task by talking to Happie Newbear in the Toontown Central playground.

Task Steps

  • Visit Happie Newbear in the Toontown Central Playground
  • Return to Happie Newbear in the Toontown Central Playground
  • Return to Happie Newbear in the Toontown Central Playground
    • Recover a Cog Suit Sleeve from level 3+ Cogs Anywhere
  • Return to Happie Newbear in the Toontown Central Playground

Task Script

Scarf Snatcher's Task Script
The Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki has a separate article for Scarf Snatcher's Task Script.


2019 Reward 2019 Scarf
2020 Reward 2020 Scarf