So Easy, You Could Do It In Your Sleep!/Task Script

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Current Task Script

So Easy, You Could Do It In Your Sleep!

"Hey there [Toon Name], I've got a simple errand for you this time."
"I promise! It's so easy, you could do it in your sleep!"
"Starry Gaze just finished up the repairs on our rooftop telescope so we can keep an eye out on the Cogs."
"If you could just swing by and pick it up, that'd be real sweet."
"I would, but... I'm tired from working all night. I'm sure you understand."

"Eek! Oh, oh dear! Oh no!"
"I'm guessing you're here about the telescope? I, um..."
"I would give it to you, but as you can see, I've just broken it again."
"My new shipment of pieces won't come in until next week!"
"Hm, maybe we can repurpose some Cog pieces so I don't have to wait for new pieces to come in..."
"Oh! I know where to start! Downsizers must have some sort of meter to shrink things down!"

"Great, this will shrink down the sky and stars into a perfect viewing size!"
"We're still missing some pieces though... I need something to keep the telescope stable, but can still spin."
"What good would a telescope be if you can only look at one spot of the sky?"
"Oh, maybe I can repurpose one of the imbalanced gyroscopes from a Spin Doctor?"

"Getting it back into balance might be a little tricky, but I think this will work just fine."
"The view still needs some calibration, though... It's all blurry."
"For something like this, eyesight needs to be sharp like an eagle's!"
"Oh! Eagles, that's it!"

"Things are already coming back into focus!"
"These improvisations are really coming together, don't you think?"
"Just don't tell headquarters when we finish up. Just in case."
"Oh, we still need to polish up some of these scuff marks."
"I'm all out of my metal polish, but I bet those Mr. Hollywoods have some toothpaste that'll work just the same."

"Just one last thing to finish the job."
"A lens! Now where can we get a glass lens from..."

"Are those... the glasses from a Flunky?"
"We've got ourselves a fully functioning telescope!"
"Here you go. Just don't drop it like I did!"

"Sheesh, what took you so long?"
"I mean, seriously! All I asked was for you to pick up a telescope."
"What'd you do? Get sent all across Toontown or something?"