Manager Bosses

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Manager Bosses are special Cogs that reside across various areas in Toontown. They are far more powerful than even the standard high-level Cog, for they often have a unique health bar pool and a specialized "cheat" system. This system breaks the way that a Cog battle is regularly played out and will have Toons think of new and different strategies to be able to suffice with keeping themselves happy and taking the Cogs down.

All Manager Bosses have the Manager (.mgr) title. As long as they remain in this corporal position, they cannot be affected by Cease & Desists or removed by Pink Slips. Manager Cogs do not get the Executive damage boost from Trap, but will count as Executives for Tasks.

Facility Managers

Facility Managers are defeated at the end of their respective Cog Facilities, and reward Suit parts and Merits to Toons on completion.


Factory Foreman


Mint Supervisor


Head Attorney


Club President

Taskline Managers

Taskline Managers are a part of the Main Taskline, required to be defeated at the end of Toontown Central Taskline, Barnacle Boatyard Taskline, Ye Olde Toontowne Taskline, and Drowsy Dreamland Taskline. Toons can return to battle these Cogs again as many times as they want.

Derrickman CG.gif

Derrick Man

LAA CG.gif

Land Acquisition Architect

PRR CG.gif

Public Relations Representative

Derrickhand CG.gif

Derrick Hand


Director of Land Development


Director of Public Affairs

Regional Managers

In the v1.3.0 "Hires & Heroes" update, 16 new Managers were added. They come in two sets: Street Managers, who could roam around any street in any Playground, and Kudos Managers who could be fought after reaching Rank 10 of the Kudos Board.

Street Managers

Street Managers are found roaming the streets of each of the 8 main Playgrounds. They are required be battled to rank up to Rank 5 of their respective Playground's Kudos Board, however they can be fought at any time. Cogs are likely to join a Street Manager battle and all must be defeated alongside the Street Manager to complete the fight.

They will spawn on a street and roam for roughly 10 minutes before flying away, respawning on any street in 15 seconds. It's possible for them to spawn on the same street they just left. If a Street Manager is engaged in battle, another one will immediately spawn on a different street in that Playground. There can only be one Street Manager on each street. Street managers are not affected by Cog Invasions.

Duckshuffler CG.gif

Duck Shuffler

Deepdiver CG.gif

Deep Diver

Gatekeeper CG.gif


Bellringer CG.gif


Mouthpiece CG.gif


Firestarter CG.gif


Treekiller CG.gif


Featherbedder CG.gif


Kudos Managers

Kudos Managers are found in special locations throughout the game. They are required to be defeated to rank up to Rank 10 on their respective Playground's Kudos Board. Toons cannot fight these Managers until they obtain the Rank-Up Task to defeat them. Cogs destroyed in their instances will rewards Gag Experience and task credit, but not Merits.

Prethinker CG.gif


Rainmaker CG.gif


Witchhunter CG.gif

Witch Hunter

Multislacker CG.gif


Majorplayer CG.gif

Major Player

Plutocrat CG.gif
Chainsawconsultant CG.gif

Chainsaw Consultant

Pacesetter CG.gif


Satelliteinvestors CG.gif
Satellite Investors

The Litigation Team

The Litigation Team can be encountered in the second round of the Overclocked Chief Legal Officer battle.





Case Manager Gal.gif

Case Manager




Contractors are limited time Manager Bosses. Some of them are exclusive to annual holidays, while some are tied to a specific event. They otherwise do not stand out from the rest of the Managers in terms of cheat usage and unique health pools.


Count Erclaim


Count Erfit

HighRoller CG.gif

High Roller


These Managers were removed or replaced in later updates.


Sads the Skelecog


Redd 'Heir' Wing


Witness Stand-in


Director of Land Acquisition


Director of Public Relations




  • The Witness Stand-In was the first Cog with the .mgr status as well as a unique health pool, though Redd "Heir" Wing is the first to utilize cheats in his fight.
  • Attempting to Fire a Manager will result in them saying "You can't fire me, Toon. I have tenure.", whereas attempting to Sue them will result in them saying "I am outside your jurisdiction, Toon."
    • Regional Managers have unique dialogue for both of these attempts, even those that currently cannot be Fired or Sued (due to Content Sync restrictions).
  • As of the v1.3.0 update, some of the Managers are designed to not explode when defeated. These exclude the Facility Managers, the three upgraded Playground Managers, and the Litigation Team.
    • Despite this, some Regional Managers have unique death SFX and/or animations that currently go unused.
    • In the v1.3.0 QA test server, the lower Playground Managers were able to explode normally (as in they did not have an ending cutscene when defeated).
  • The Manager Boss with the smallest amount of HP goes to the Derrick Man, with a total of 100 HP.
  • The Manager Boss with the largest amount of HP goes to the High Roller, who has a total of 44444 HP when fighting him during Phase 3 of his fight.
    • If excluding events, the Pacesetter fits the bill with a total of 12500 HP (12750 HP prior to his health nerf in v1.4.0).
  • With the release of the Regional Managers, the Toons Kitt Kitt Lou, Petru, Parabol, and Jacob were the first to defeat every single one only 4 days after v1.3.0 released.
The Cogs
Employees Sellbots Cold CallerTelemarketerName DropperGlad HanderMover & ShakerTwo-FaceMinglerMr. Hollywood
Cashbots Short ChangePenny PincherTightwadBean CounterNumber CruncherMoney BagsLoan SharkRobber Baron
Lawbots Bottom FeederBloodsuckerDouble TalkerAmbulance ChaserBack StabberSpin DoctorLegal EagleBig Wig
Bossbots FlunkyPencil PusherYesmanMicromanagerDownsizerHead HunterCorporate RaiderBig CheeseAutocaddie
Boardbots BagholderPaper HandsInsiderCircuit BreakerDeadlockShark WatcherMagnateHead Honcho
Specialist Cogs Field Specialists NeedlenoseShysterBarrister
Operations Analysts PettifoggerConveyancerAdvocate
Manager Bosses Facility Managers Factory ForemanMint SupervisorHead AttorneyClub PresidentUnstable Cogs
Taskline Managers Derrick ManLand Acquisition ArchitectPublic Relations RepresentativeDerrick HandDirector of Land DevelopmentDirector of Public Affairs
Street Managers Duck ShufflerDeep DiverGatekeeperBellringerMouthpieceFirestarterTreekillerFeatherbedder
Kudos Managers PrethinkerRainmakerWitch HunterMultislackerMajor PlayerPlutocratSatellite InvestorsChainsaw ConsultantPacesetter
The Litigation Team LitigatorStenographerCase ManagerScapegoat
Contractors Count ErclaimCount ErfitHigh Roller
Secretaries JudyJasonJennifer
Cog Bosses Senior Vice PresidentChief Financial OfficerChief Legal OfficerChief Executive OfficerChief Operating OfficerThe Chairman
Overclocked Bosses Overclocked Chief Legal Officer
Removed Cogs ClerkChief JusticeChief of DollarsCount Erclaim (Pre-Redesign)Sads the SkelecogRedd 'Heir' WingWitness Stand-InDirector of Land AcquisitionDirector of Public RelationsCon ArtistConnoisseurSwindlerMiddlemanToxic ManagerBig Fish