The C.O.O. currently does not have any present attacks. All he will do is have a mindful discussion with whatever Toon is present for roughly 20 minutes.
The "I survived Boredbot HQ" shirt, awarded in 2020
The Plant Tie, awarded in 2021
#1 Hat, awarded in 2022
The Rejected Sweater awarded in 2023
Ottoman Sticker awarded in 2024
For sitting through the Ottoman's fight, Toons are rewarded with an exclusive clothing item that differs for each year. Each item had been leftover belongings that the C.O.O. had, however, as the years progressed the rewards seem to be more thoughtful. In addition, Toons also felt the nice and warm satisfaction of interacting with such a great character.
Radio tracks play throughout the encounter with the C.O.O. Most of these tracks are from areas currently in the game, but some tease tracks used in upcoming content. Notes:
Some radio tracks are made up of Cog voice clips, and as such they have been omitted from this list.
Some radio tracks have unique names listed in the metadata, written like file names. Please keep in mind that these names are likely red herrings and may not represent the final product.
April Toons 2024
Audio File
Audio File
The current elevator theme.
Radio 8
Currently unknown. Originally the radio 19 track from MAYpril Toons 2023.
Radio 1
Currently unknown. Composed by MasterFrasca, an ex-composer for Corporate Clash.
The April Toons' event is now over. Thanks for playing!
The C.O.O. is removed along with the other April Toons content.
v1.8.0 BETA
Boredbot HQ has opened its doors once more!
[undocumented]The C.O.O.'s hand color has changed to a darker brown.
v1.3.2.6 BETA
The MAYpril Toons' Month event is now over - thank for playing!
The C.O.O. has been removed along with the 2023 MAYpril Toons event.
v1.3.2 BETA (MAYpril Toons 2023)
The Chief Operating Officer, colloquially known as Ottoman, has returned!
Head through the tunnel at the end of Twilight Terrace and have a chat with him. Maybe he'll give you a nice gift for your time!
The C.O.O. is sporting a new set of voice sounds this year!
v1.3.0 BETA
Cogs and Skelecogs now sport new high-quality models, fixing many visual issues with their old models and bringing their visual quality up-to-par with modern standards.
[undocumented]The C.O.O.'s hand color has changed from grey to brown.
v1.2.7.5 BETA
April Toons' Month 2022 has come to a sad, yet dramatic end.
The C.O.O. has been removed along with the 2022 April Toons event.
v1.2.7 BETA (April Toons 2022)
April Toons is back and bigger than ever!
Boredbot's HQ is reopened. Head on down to Twilight Terrace!
v1.2.1.1 BETA
April Toons has ended for the year.
The C.O.O. has been removed along with the 2021 April Toons event.
v1.2.1 BETA (April Toons 2021)
Boredbot's HQ has reopened its tunnel for April Toons!
Run down Twilight Terrace to give Ottoman a visit, he definitely has a lot to talk about the last year!
v1.0.17 BETA
[undocumented]The C.O.O. has been removed along with the 2020 April Toons event.
v7.7.7.7 FOOLISH BUILD (April Toons 2020)
[undocumented]The C.O.O. has been added to the game, located in Boredbot HQ at the end of Twilight Terrace.
A chief operating officer is a senior executive that is tasked with overseeing the administrative and operational functions of a company.
The C.O.O.'s real name is a reference to Thomas O. Staggs, former C.O.O. of the Walt Disney Company.
The C.O.O. is sometimes referred to as the Ottoman.
The C.O.O. and the Chairman are the only known Suit siblings that do not share a last name together.
It was revealed in the Treasure Trove from the v1.3.0 ARG that the Chairman changed his last name to differentiate himself from their parent company, Saggs Corp, after running away to develop C.O.G.S. Inc,. The C.O.O. still holds onto his surname to this day.
According to the Treasure Trove, the C.O.O. is at least over 45 years old.
The Directors' cutscene theme is almost always used as the first song on the radio when meeting with the C.O.O.
Right when the C.O.O. talks about Atticus Wing during the 2021 fight, the Resistance Outpost theme from Break The Law starts to play.
The C.O.O. and the Chairman are the only Boss Cogs to use the same bodies as standard Cogs rather than the larger bodies that the other four department leads use.
The C.O.O. has a total of seven plants in and out of his office. They are all individually named and are said to have personalities as well.
The plant names in his office are Ginger, Ivy, Ash, Olive, Layton, and Mark.
As the years have progressed, during the Boredbot HQ fight, the C.O.O. has become more friendly towards the Toons and appreciates the Toons showing up. The pauses between conversations have also greatly decreased.
The C.O.O. frequently mentions his lack of interest in romance.
The C.O.O. enjoy the company of the Deep Diver due to their similar interest in non-Suit life.
The C.O.O. was taught how to knit by the Mouthpiece and has even been in a knitting club with a few other Suits of the company.
The Sticker rewarded in 2024 was created by the C.O.O. himself. It was a failed project for "expressive graphics" after a Con Artist created harmful messages with them towards the Chairman.