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Webster is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Webster's Olde Dictionaries located on Noble Nook in Ye Olde Toontowne. Additionally, during the Break The Law event he could be found in the Resistance Outpost located in Open Fire Chestnut Roasting on Polar Place in The Brrrgh. During Break The Law Toons could purchase cosmetics, Summon Boosters, Raffle Tickets, Lawbot Suit Parts, and Subpoenas from him in exchange for Dockets.


Webster is a blue duck with orange legs and parted feathers on top of his head. He wears his own outfit normally. During the Break The Law event, he wore the Lawbot Resistance Ranger outfit rather than his normal shirt and shorts.

Story Appearances

Lawbot HQ - In the Lawbot HQ directives Webster appears in the following directive: Docket Dilemma.

Docket Dilemma

"Ah, welcome, welcome. How can I assist you?"
"I am begging you... The Operation is over, I do not want more dockets..."
"Oh, you need them?"
"Please! By all means, take them! Take them all!"
"I still have boxes in my possession and they are taking up so much space."
"While I get them, why don't you pass the time defeating some Cogs? I don't want you standing here bored and watching an old duck lumber about."

After defeating 50 Cogs.

"Here you go! Over twenty boxes filled with millions of dockets!"
"Ah... I don't think you can carry those all on your own... However, I know just the person."
"Head on over to Sluggo Songbird at Carry a Toon Movers. They can get these dockets anywhere in a flash!"

Event Tasks - Webster appears in an April Toons 2019 ToonTask which allowed players to access Sky Clan. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

April Toons 2019 ToonTask

"Ah, hello there. Were you sent here to clean up this mess?"
"Some maniacal Toon came whirling like a rocket right through the ceiling of my office here a while back!"
"It took me days to patch it up!"
"Good thing I had a few books handy about roof repair!"
"That Toon nearly ruined my entire classical Toonspearean collection..."
"I'll have you know that those writings are priceless these days!"
"Oh, and you say you're here to seek information about flying?"
"In that case, why don't you find the Toon who took a crash course on it right into my precious cave of academia?"
"Her name was Doe, I believe."
"Nice Toon with an exquisite thirst for academic knowledge, I'll add."
"If it wasn't for the giant mess she made, I'd have been eager to teach her!"
"Anyways, I'll be here, re-reading my most favorite Bark Twain novels in the meantime."
"Good luck finding her, and I wish you luck on gaining the knowledge of flight."

The Comics - Webster appears in the 3rd Corporate Clash Comic: Phase 2

Misc. Appearances

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Webster has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Is there something you inquire about?"
  • "What information can I provide to you?"
  • "I hope the purpose of your visit does not include dockets..."
  • "If there is something you wish to learn of, I have books that can answer anything."


  • Webster is one of the three Toons in the game with a unique head model. The others are Doe Vinci and Bro Vinci.
  • Webster has a custom eye texture that is unique to him. This texture was temporarily broken after the v1.1.0 Update and was restored in the v1.10.0 Update.
  • While Webster is usually depicted wearing a monocle in the comics and other art, he does not actually wear one in-game.
  • When required to visit Webster for a ToonTask, his head will be shown using the normal duck model rather than his unique one.
  • While in the Resistance Outpost, Webster's nametag would indicate him as a Resistance Ranger rather than a Shopkeeper.
