What Night is It?/Task Script

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Current Task Script

What Night is It?

"Afta Hours has been begging for someone to stop by their shop."
"Something's really got them in a panic!"
"I think they're having trouble keeping their calendars organized?"
"Something like that, I think. Timekeeping's not really my forte."
"If you don't mind, could you head over to Call It a Day Calendars and see what's going on?"
"You'll probably know how to help them."

"Hey you, what day is it?"
"What do you MEAN you don't know what day it is?!"
"Of all of the Toons to drop by, I wind up with the one who doesn't know the date?!"
"I'm losing my head! Has it been days, weeks, MONTHS? I don't even know what YEAR it is!"
"Go away, and don't come back until you find me a proper calendar!"

"This is as useless as MY calendars! It's completely blank! How am I going to use this?!"
"I mean, this is even LESS helpful than mine... at least mine have SOMETHING written on them."
"Even if they all have different dates crossed off... and don't always have exactly twelve months in them..."
"But that's beside the point!"
"You still need to help me! Go fight some Cogs and see if any of them have it written down!"

"I don't know what to do anymore."
"I need time to think. Go pass the time with some games or something."
"Maybe you'll run into someone who knows?"

"I can't do this."
"How does no one in this town know the date?!"
"Minus the fact that most of our clocks are different, we don't follow daily schedules, the sun never... rises..."
"Wow. No wonder no one can keep track of this."
"You know what? It's fine."
"The date doesn't matter. I'll just make up a new start, and keep track of that."
"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Yea- wait, what?"
"I mean, I don't exactly keep track of countdowns, but I thought we still had a while to go."
"Oh, Afta Hours says we're starting fresh again? Alright. Happy New Year, it is!"