Alternative Transportation/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Alternative Transportation

"Oh geez, tell me you're not here for a travel trip, right?"
"No? Great."
"I opened up my travel agency because I loved the idea of helping Toons travel, but little did I know, I didn't have the whole "travel" thing down!"
"I only know how to travel to Drowsy Dreamland..."
"But maybe you could help me with just that."
"I've been trying to expand the travel options, and I think the Toons here in Dreamland could be of assistance!"
"If you could help me get them on board, I'll be willing to teach you how to travel here easily."
"My only trick really, how does that sound?"
"Let's start with Drowsy Dave down the street at Asleep at the Wheel Car Repair."
"If we can get his car services, we'd be really on a good path!"
"Thank you!"

"Oh, hey there, I must've fallen asleep."
"It's just those Cog buildings around. Always humming, makes me fall asleep real quick."
"What can I help you with?"
"Providing services for Orville's traveling?"
"Well, I can do so, if you can do something for me."
"I'm a simple dog. I need parts for cars, and then I can provide said cars."
"Funny enough, those Cog buildings that send me to sleep are perfect for car parts."
"If you can scrape up some gears and wires and pieces, I'll be sure to not only stay awake, but have cars to offer for Orville!"
"Just bring them on back anytime!"

"Looks great! Thanks."
"Let me ask you, what are you doing all this for?"
"Teleport access to Drowsy Dreamland?"
"Why, I used to teach Toons how to do that for a long time."
"Small world."
"Anyways, let Orville know that I'm on board."
"Anytime he needs some car service, just have him send his people my way."

"Hey, you did it!"
"That was easier than I thought."
"But cars aren't the only solution..."
"I'll need as many options as I can get."
"And I'm pretty desperate."
"Can you speak with Cowboy George down the street at All Night Pony Rides?"
"Get him on board for me, please."
"Thank you."

"Howdy there lil' partner."
"What can I do 'ya for?"
"Pony rides?"
"Well shoot, I sure can help!"
"For a lil' bit of help of my own!"
"I need ties."
"Yes that's right, I need ties."
"I tie 'em up and use them as leashes for my finest ponies."
"They work quite well if 'ya ask me."
"Lasso some of them up from those strong Cogs 'round town and I'll offer my pony services right up!"
"Good luck lil' buddy."

"That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!"
"These sure are some fine ties, friend."
"Consider my ponies yours."
"Or Orville's."
"I'm ready, I got the saddles set up, the leashes ready, and I'm preppin' to feel the wind in my mane!"
"Thanks lil' buddy."
"See 'ya 'round the saloon."

"Great work, thank you so much!"
"I just have one last target on my list."
"I'm... quite desperate."
"That's right."
"I want to travel by sheep."
"Could you please go down the street again and speak to The Countess at Counting Sheep So You Don't Have To."
"If you could get her on board with sheep-travel I'd be so thankful!"
"And teach you how to teleport here, of course."
"Thank you!"

"Why hello there."
"I am The Countess, and this is my store where I count sheep, so you don't have to."
"What counting do you seek?"
"Why, that's not counting at all."
"But I suppose I can offer my sheep up, for a cost."
"Bring me the shades of Mr. Hollywoods."
"I can give them to my clientele so that they can relax as I count my sheep for them."
"Imagine coming in for a rest, and not having anything to prevent eye contact."
"It's quite a need, as you can imagine."
"So, bring them to me, and my sheep will get up and travel around as Orville wishes."
"Good luck."

"One pair of shades, two pairs, threeeee..."
"You get the idea."
"These are lovely, and I appreciate it, [Toon Name]."
"My sheep are soft, and ready to carry passengers as far as sheep travel can take them."
"Let Orville know to make the arrangements. I am ready."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

"You got it?!"
"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]!"
"You're really gonna help me get this travel agency off the ground!"
"Now, let me pay you back for all the help I've gotten."
"Traveling to Drowsy Dreamland is quite simple."
"Close your eyes, relax, dream."
"As long as you keep that dreamy feeling going, you'll arrive in Dreamland without fail."
"Use it wisely."
"Thank you, and see you around the world!"