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An example of a Club

Clubs are a feature added in the v1.3.0 that allows Toons to join together and gain special benefits from doing various activities in the game with each other. A Club will start with a minimum of 10 slots, but up to 75 Toons can join together in a single Club to tackle the game's content.

Club Creation


A Club can be created for a moderate price of 20,000 Jellybeans by talking to Doe Vinci at the round desk in the center of Toon Hall. When creating a Club, the creator will be presented with the option to name their Club in the top left corner of the window as well as some basic customization options for their Club's icon. Club names must follow the naming guidelines available on Corporate Clash's website. Club names may take up to a week for approval. Until the name is accepted, it will appear as [Toon's Name]'s Club. If the name has been rejected, you will be notified in game and can speak to Doe Vinci to try again. You can choose from one of 8 Images, one of 8 Details, and one of 16 Colors for your both your Club's theme and detail. Any options not chosen during creation can be purchased later at the Club Shop.

Club Levels

Clubs have their own leveling system called Club Levels. All Clubs start at level 1 and can level up by gaining Club Experience, which is rewarded by completing Club Tasks or completing different activities with Club members. Each subsequent level will require increasingly more experience to reach. Leveling up your Club will unlock many useful items at the Club Shop, such as Member Capacity upgrades and Boosters. The higher the level, the more things your Club can buy!

Club Tasks & Club Coins

An example of a full, high leveled Club's Tasks

In order to level up your Club, you and your Club members will need to complete Club Tasks. Your Club will be assigned 3 Club Tasks, which can be progressed and completed by any of your Club members. If Club members complete a task together, each individual will count towards the Club Task, making working with your Club members the most beneficial way to finish tasks quickly. A Club Task's difficulty and reward scale based on how many members are in the Club, although if there have been frequent leavers in the Club then the Club Tasks will be more difficult than usual. As soon as a Club Task is completed, your Club will be automatically assigned another. If you're discontent with a Club Task, you can reroll it into a different one for a Jellybean price that scales with the amount of members in the Club. Once a Club Task is completed, your Club will be granted Club experience and Club Coins.

Club Coins are a type of currency that are obtained primarily through completing Club Tasks, but can also be gained in small amounts by doing various activities in the game with your Club members. Club Coins can be used to purchase Club upgrades, Boosters, and customizations at the Club Shop.

Club Shop


The Club Shop is where Toons can spend their Club Coins gained as they play through the game. Toons can access the Club Shop by talking to Bro Vinci, who is located opposite Doe Vinci at the desk in the center of Toon Hall.

In the Club Shop, Toons can purchase upgrades to their Club, Boosters, and further customization options for their Club's Icon. Certain items only become available for purchase upon reaching its required Club level.

Club Panel


Once your Club has been created, you can view its information by clicking on the ClubPanelTab.png Club icon at the bottom of the Social Panel. The Club Panel has five different tabs that can be located at the top of the panel.

ClubPanelMainTab.png Main Tab - The default page of the Club Panel. Here, you can see information such as what level your Club is and how much XP it has, how many members are online, how many Jellybeans and Club Coins your Club has collected, progress made on Club Tasks, and any active Boosters that your Club currently has. In addition, certain actions can be taken here such as inviting players, donating Jellybeans, and sending Club Shouts to your Club.

Jellybean Donation Messages
You have donated 1 Jellybean.
  • Stellar performance.
  • Nobody asked.
  • Great work.
You have donated [2-9,999] Jellybeans.
  • This is not tax-deductible.
  • Thank you for your gratitude.
  • Your friends will be excited!
You have donated [10,000-49,999] Jellybeans.
  • You are most charitable.
  • WOW! What a great donation!
  • That's certainly a lot!
You have donated [50,000-99,999] Jellybeans.
  • That's outrageous!
  • You must have worked hard for that!
You have donated [100,000-110,000] Jellybeans.
  • Goodbye, jellybean bank.
  • You feel a heavy burden pass.

ClubPanelTaskTab.png Task Tab - The task tab allows you to view your Club Tasks and their rewards. Here you can reroll a task by clicking on the blue dice at the bottom right corner of the Task and paying a Jellybean fee.

ClubPanelMembersTab.png Members Tab - The members tab shows you a list of your Club members. Here you can see who's online, member rank, and how many member slots are left. By clicking the dropdown arrow next to a player's name, you can perform actions such as kicking, promoting, and transferring ownership, if your rank allows it. There are four member ranks: Member, Scout, Captain, and Owner. The owner can adjust permissions of each rank and is the only one capable of promoting players.

ClubPanelHistoryTab.png History Tab - The history tab gives you a comprehensive list of all Club related actions, even including Club name rejections. Clicking the dropdown arrow gives more information on the action.

ClubPanelSettingsTab.png Settings tab - This tab allows you to view and adjust settings related to your Club which is split into two categories, being Permissions and Personal. Permissions allow the owner of the Club to adjust certain permissions for Captains, Scouts, and Members. Personal settings allow you to adjust certain Club features that players may find too intrusive. The following is a list of personal Club settings and their functions:

  • Show Club Nametag: By disabling this, your Club name under your nametag will be hidden to both you and all other players.
  • Pop-Up Club Messages: Disabling this hides Club message pop-ups on your screen. They can still be viewed in the Speedchat's Club section.
  • Pop-Up Club Updates: Adjusts the visibility of Club updates (i.e. task completions, purchases, level ups).
  • Show Club Coin Notifications: Disabling this hides Club Coin pop-ups at the bottom of your screen.

By scrolling to the bottom of the settings tab, you can find the Leave Club button, which allows you to leave your Club. Owners will need to transfer ownership first before they can leave their Club.

Inviting Players

In order to join a Club, you must be invited by one of the Club's members. To invite a player, go to the main section of the Club panel and locate the small blue button with a plus sign. Press it, then click on the player you would like to invite to the Club. This player must be added as a friend first before sending the invite. That player can then choose whether to accept or reject your invitation. Certain circumstances may prevent you from inviting others to your Club, such as if that player is already in a Club, or if your Club's owner has restricted your inviting permissions.