Blog Posts (2022)/Article 79

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Bossbot Buildings Have Received New Music!

Posted on May 16, 2022 by C.O.G.S., Incorporated

Taken from the official Corporate Clash website

A Memo From C.O.G.S., Inc

  • Attention employees of C.O.G.S. Incorporated: Continuing the directive set in the previous memo, we have supplied office buildings under the Bossbot department with improved music. In order to promote workplace efficiency, Bossbots will be expected to show up en masse through Monday in order to encourage acceptance of the new melodic upgrades.

Note From The Team

Hey there everyone, we're back with a quick blogpost! We've released another batch of Cog Building music to the game, this time covering the Bossbot department!

Additionally worth mentioning, Moderation Team applications have opened up once more. For more information, click HERE for further details on this and every other currently open position on the team!

You can read the full Patch Notes HERE

...and check out the full OST for the Bossbot building music on our YouTube channel by clicking HERE