Blog Posts (2022)/Article 81

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Announcing The Winners of The Q2 2022 Social Media Contest!

Posted on June 08, 2022 by The Corporate Clash Crew

Taken from the official Corporate Clash website

Welcome one and all to the official results page for the social media contest for Q2 2022 - “Count…Er…WHO?”. It’s been a long journey up to this point, with this contest proving to be one of the most successful to date. With nearly 80 entries and only 15 slots for winners this time, it's needless to say that competition was fierce!

To view all of the entries for this contest, click HERE to be taken to the voting form for the contest, which has been transformed into a view-only gallery of all of the entries. Without further ado however, let’s see which versions of Count the community liked the most!

The Winners!

1st Place - Count Erspell - Mx Maxie

2nd Place - Count Eract - Pandora

3rd Place - Count Ertenor - Aidan

4th Place - Count Ersign - Count Lancelot Trickyfluff

5th Place - Count Ertop - Princess Notpython

6th Place - Count Ryside - Beanburger

7th Place - Count Erfoil - Khansen

8th Place - Count Selor - Colonel Bebop

9th Place - Count Erfire - Zippy

10th Place - Count Eract - Glass Doe

11th Place - Count Cashula - Hexedvampire

12th Place - Count Erelf - Lance

13th Place - Count Erbean - Bearly Koalace

14th Place - Count Erbalance - Leaf

15th Place - Count Eroffer - Lovealot

Wrap Up

Congratulations to all of our winners, you will be contacted within the next 48 hours of this blogpost going live via the email on file for the Corporate Clash account you entered on regarding your prizes. If you are listed as a winner and haven’t received contact by 11:59 PM EST on June 10th, send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll be able to assist you there!

Whether you entered this contest or simply cast a vote, we cannot thank the hundreds of you who helped make this contest as great as it was, and we look forward to hosting another next month. We’ll see you in July for one of our most ambitious contests to date, with a prize you truly won’t want to miss out on!