Blog Posts (2023)/Article 125

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BREAKING: New Cog Wreaks Havoc on Tenor Terrace!

Posted on April 28, 2023 by Half Note News

Taken from the official Corporate Clash website

Half Note News

Newscaster Nolan: Yes, I know we've been low on stories, but doesn't this seem a bit- Wait, we're on? Ahem! Th-This just in! Mezzo Melodyland has been invaded by a new Cog of unknown origin known as "the High Roller." To learn more about his intentions, we turn to Reporter Riley, who is, (and I cannot believe I am saying this,) interviewing him. Run away- I mean, take it away, Riley.

Reporter Riley: Ehehe, thanks Nolan. Yes, I am currently in The Musical Master of Melody interviewing a Cog, of all things. Can you, uh, tell us a bit about yourself...?

High Roller: It would be my delight! If I could jufft haHAHave the mic real quick-

Reporter Riley: What- Hey!

High Roller: -HELLO, ffitiffenff of- Meffo Melodyland, waff it?

Reporter Riley: Ye-

High Roller: -MEFFO MELODYLAND! I am the High Roller, here to grahAHAHAhaffe your humble abode with my prifftine preffenffe! An honor, I know. For you all, I mean.

Reporter Riley: It, uh, sure is...? S-So, what brings you to Mezzo Melodyland?

High Roller: Apart from the ffmileff and cheerff of my adoring fahaHAHAHanff, that would be my gameffhow, darling! That'ff right! "High Roller'ff High Roller" iff coming to Toontown, and that meanff YOU can partiffipate! Wheelff will ffpin, diffe will roll, and dough will flow!

Reporter Riley: Wait, let's take it back a bit. Y-You're inviting Toons to your show?

High Roller: The world of entertainment iff an open door, baby, and it never cloffeff! If it can anffwer quefftionff, roll a diffe, and play my gameff, it'ff welcome on High Roller'ff High Roller! And that includeff inffignificant bugff like yourffelffeff, ya dig?

Reporter Riley: ...What?

High Roller: Ffo what are you waiting for, you TV-obffeffed animalff? Come on down to High Roller'ff High Roller, fftep on fftage, and mahAHAHAke it BIG!!!

Reporter Riley: ...Uhm, okay... Can I have my microphone back now?

High Roller: No.

A Note From The Corporate Clash Crew

Hello, Toons! From April 28th to June 11th, you can hop on Toontown: Corporate Clash to enjoy the MAYpril Toons event, which contains the following;

  • The High Roller, the brand new event manager boss, has rented space from Major Player to run his Game Show at The Musical Master of Melody on Tenor Terrace. Suitable for Toons of all levels, come join the fun and get special items when you win!
    • To save you the trouble of running back and forth, the Low Rollers at each playground will happily teleport you to the ticket office for easy access to the show.

  • Boredbot's HQ has once again opened its doors to visitors new and old! Head to the end of Twilight Terrace, through the tunnel and up the elevator to chat with the Chief Operating Officer; you might just get something special at the end for your time!

  • Hexadecimal and Elphabat have returned to Toontown! Earn Batcoin and Materials from activities and defeating Cogs, then spend them at their shops in each playground for cool merch!

  • Deep within Sellbot HQ lies Find the Family, a new Sellbot Factory experience where finding the Foreman is the least of your troubles...
    • For a challenge for only the toughest of Toons, check out the Overclocked Face the Family, where a mysterious source of radiation has caused some of the Cogs to become highly unstable. Is your Gag-ger counter in working order?

  • Pizzeria Groups created at the Mozzarella Styx Pizzeria now give out 2x XP - How generous of them!

More Information & Credits

For more information, check out the patch notes HERE, and check out the list of people who made the update possible HERE! Happy MAYpril Toons!