Blog Posts (2024)/Article 154

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"Poultry" Prizes from the Duck Shuffler!

Posted on April 29, 2024 by The Corporate Clash Crew

Taken from the official Corporate Clash website

A Word from the Duck Shuffler

Well, well, well!

Tho many thaleth, and tho little time! It'th about time you Toonth grew an interetht for the finer thingth in life! Two-thouthand four-hundred forty-eight ticketth to my raffle thold! Oh-hoh-hoh, you Toonth mutht be eager to win that jackpot! THE ANTITHIPATION MUTHT BE EATING AWAY AT YOU!

Don't you worry! We've got plenty of prizeth available for all you lucky, lucky duckth out there; but before I announthe the winning numberth, let'th hear a word from our thponthor: ME!


Now, without further ado, our firtht winner ITH...


Wait, what?


We're giving ALL of thith EVERY Toon in the town...for free?






(The broadcast appears to have gone dead.)

And now... A Word from the Corporate Clash Crew!

Hello! Thanks to your generosity and support for the Makeship Duck Shuffler Plushie campaign, we raised $22,609 for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. We're happy to be releasing some of the milestone rewards to you today: Click HERE to download all of them!

Here's a quick snippet from what you can expect in the Fun Pack:


Spruce up conversations in-game, on Discord, and other messaging apps with the Duck Shuffler Sticker Pack! (stickers for use in messaging apps will be available very soon!)

DS STICK 01.png


A set of wallpapers for your phone, tablet, desktop, laptop, TV, and maybe even your fridge!

Duckshuffler Background 1.png

DuckShuffler MakeShip Poster.png


Build your mind's muscles with puzzles straight from the Duck Shuffler's own line of Probably Real Cereal! (it's probably disgusting!)

DS CBPuzzle Full.jpg


Get your crayons out and color the Duck Shuffler in whatever shades of green you like!

Coloring Sheet 2.png


Build your very own army of Duck Shufflers with the paper craft version of the Duck Shuffler! (If you make one, post it on social media and make sure to use the #DuckShufflerPlush hashtag!)

Duck Shuffler Paper Craft coloured.jpg


We've created a brand new Duck Shuffler outfit! Defeat the Duck Shuffler once to receive the outfit (Shirt, Shorts, Skirts), the accessories (Hat, Glasses, Backpack, Shoes), two nameplates and a profile background!


Want them all? Click HERE to download the fun pack now!

The Duck Shuffler comic and Backstage Blogpost are still in development, and will be released at a later date.

Thank you once again for supporting the campaign, and we hope to see you in Toontown with those awesome items!