Chef Knucklehead

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Chef Knucklehead is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Spaghetti and Goofballs located on Loopy Lane in Toontown Central.


Chef Knucklehead is a yellow rabbit who wears a white Plain Shirt, Meatball Shorts, the Chef Hat, and the Spatula Backpack.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline, Chef Knucklehead appears in the following task: A Taste Of Toontown. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

A Taste of Toontown

"Hey there, [Toon Name]!"
"Welcome to my shop!"
"You're wanting meatballs, right?"
"Yeah, me too..."
"I'm not sure when, but it seems that when I wasn't looking, my supply of meatball product seemed to disappear."
"I'm not really sure when or why, but they're definitely gone."
"Until I can get more ready, I'm gonna have to work with you to figure this out."
"But I do have a plan!"
"There's absolutely no way that there are any other meatball shops in Toontown. No siree."
"So I'll just whip some more meatball product up!"
"I was just working on my cookbook in the meantime."
"It's entitled "The entire taskline to cooking meatballs.""
"If you ever read it, I sure do appreciate it!"
"Anyways, go head out and clean up this street from Cogs. I'll get it ready for you."

After defeating 4 Cogs

"Thank you for keeping my street nice and safe."
"Here's a box of meatball product. I hope it helps!"
"Let Chef E.Z. Bake know that I'll keep them coming in the future too."