Diane Vine

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Diane Vine is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Grape Expectations located on Petunia Place in Daffodil Gardens.


Diane Vine is a tan mouse who wears a slate blue Bottom Stripe shirt and the Peppermint skirt.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Diane Vine appears in the following task: Not So Vine... Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Not So Vine...

"Why, welcome to my bookstore!"
"You're looking to learn the knowledge of a grape?"
"Well, I have a few books on them, if that's what you mean!"
"...You need to know the knowledge of the grape?"
"Okay, I got an idea!"
"Let's do some charity work, defeat some of those Deadlocks that roam around causing a ruckus all over, and I'll read you a short passage!"
"It'll help save the grapes, and in return you'll know all about the "knowledge" of the grape!"

After defeating 4 Deadlocks

"I can already feel a weight off my chest!"
"Okay, so listen up!"
"Grapes are botanical berries that grow from vines, with over ten thousand different kinds!"
"But do you know how much they know?"
"Nothing! They're grapes!"
"You already know so much more than a grape will ever know."
"It's within you!"
"Now go out and enjoy some berries!"
"Have a good time!"