Jesse Jester

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Jesse Jester is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Jesse's Joke Repair located on Silly Street in Toontown Central.


Jesse Jester is a royal blue mouse who wears the Red Jester Outfit.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Jesse Jester appears in the following task: Jokey Jam. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Jokey Jam

"Welcome, young grasshopper."
"I assume you are here to learn the ancient ways of mending jokes, forgotten by most of toonkind."
"I do indeed have the tools you seek."
"Or, at least, had the tools."
"Now the Cogs have the tools."
"Regardless, there are tools."
"And this punchline to this is that the Cogs have taken the tools."
"What I'm trying to say is that, if you want my assistance in repairing jokes..."
"All you need to do is find these tools and use them to your advantage."
"The Cogs may have taken them, but you possess the ability to create laughter. Laughter that can overtake those who themselves have taken."
"May you be strong in your journey, young Toon."
"I will guide you from this desk that I stand behind, while you do all of the work."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

After recovering Joke Repair Tools

"Exactly as I expected. You have risen above and beyond and found my tools."
"But here's the punchline."
"YOU are the tools."
"It's been within you all along. You have the ability to fix any joke you desire."
"...Just kidding! In all honesty, these are actual joke repair tools."
"Though, I did have them all along. I just wanted you to bring back my toilet plunger and my back scratcher."
"It just wasn't the same, living without those two."
"I will now entrust you with these tools. Onwards, grasshopper! Fix the jokes, bring out the laughter, take down the Cogs."
"I will be here if you ever need more assistance."
"I bid you well, [Toon Name]."
Until next time.