Jungle Jim

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Jungle Jim is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Haydn Go Seek Playground Supplies located on Baritone Boulevard in Mezzo Melodyland.


Jungle Jim is a coral beaver who wears an aqua Lightning Bolt shirt and sea green Jean shorts.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Jungle Jim appears in the following task: Tracing Tasty Treasure. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Tracing Tasty Treasure

"Oi! Are you here to claim your reward?"
"No, I'm conducting a treasure hunt!"
"But nobody's even batting an eye..."
"I was going around yelling out to the Toons of Mezzo Melodyland about a chance to win a free delicious swingset, but nobody cared."
"And these are the finest swingsets I've produced, as a matter of fact! They hardly creak, and you can go SO high on them!"
"I sent out pieces of paper with riddles leading to the location of hidden swings. Simply solve the clue and find the swingset to receive your prize!"
"But at this point either the wind blew them all away, or the Cogs scooped them all up..."
"So, it's safe to say that the promotion failed..."
"Maybe you COULD see it as littering, but I saw it as potential marketing genius."
"In fact, I'll tell you what. If you help me get them back, I'll even let you have one for free!"
"You know what, let's even let you play the game."
"Go find those riddles from the Cogs and bring them to me so I know that they're the real deal."

After recovering 4 Riddles

"Welcome back. So let's take a look."
"Sure enough, these are my riddles!"
"Let's see... You wouldn't mind taking them all on at once for me, right?"
"You're going to have to go all around Toontown to find these!"
"Once you find them all, come back to me for your reward."
"Good luck!"

After finding each swingset

"Absolutely wonderful. How'd you find the treasure hunt to be?"
"I'm amazed that it didn't go over well, it would've been a blast!"
"But anyways, thank you for retrieving my swingsets for me."
"Don't you worry about keeping any of these weathered environment-exposed swingsets either. I'll send you a new one via the mail!"
"And uh, if anyone ever asks you about swingsets or other miscellaneous playground supplies, could you mention me?"
"Well, [Toon Name]. This has been good fun, but I'm all set to work on my next big promotion."
"This time it's going to be air-dropping swingsets all over Toontown!"
"Imagine a hundred different swingsets, all scattering throughout the lands."
"People would be practically fighting over resources the entire time to get them!"
"Anyways, I'm going to let you go now, [Toon Name]. Thank you for all your assistance, and I wish you the best of luck!"
"Bye bye!"