Liar Liar

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Liar Liar is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in No, the Building Beside Me is Telling the Truth located on Wacky Way in Toontown Central.


Liar Liar is a slate blue Monkey who wears an orange Lightning Bolt shirt and an orange Flowers skirt.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - Liar Liar appears in the Monkey See Monkey Do sidetask. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Monkey See Monkey Do

"Ooo! Just in time!"
"That Toon next door is constantly truthful!"
"Spewing nothing but honest facts, and always in touch with reality. It's believable!"
"You'd think in a time of crisis like now when the Cogs invade, there'd be even more Toons like them telling the truth."
"Psh, I wish!"
"Go have a look and see for yourself."

After returning from Pants On Fire

"Eeky! Just in time!"
"That Toon... Is..."
"You figured it out?"
"Game over."
"Honestly, I just wanted to see how far I could take this."
"Imagine taking a practical joke so far that you ended up having two competing shops based solely on the foundation of the joke."
"I had to commit to it, there's no way to just give that up!"
"Maybe this will lead to us combining our forces to keep our shop production booming!"
"Wait. What even are our shops for..."
"Hmm..." "Well, there's certainly more to think about, and some baloney to eat while doing it!"
"Huh? Where did I hear about baloney?"
"Oh, I uh, don't... worry... about it?"
"Either way, the situation here seems resolved. Thank you for your help, [Toon Name]."
"I'd offer to put in a good word for you, but I'm not sure anyone would accept it anymore..."
"You know what, take this nametag. It's zany, or something."
"Believe it or not!"
"Thanks again."