Mechanic Mike

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Mechanic Mike is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Nuts n' Bolts located on Legume Lane in Acorn Acres.


Mechanic Mike is a mint mouse who wears the Electric Bolts, Goggles, the Jet Pack, White Sneakers, a dark red Feather shirt, and dark red Feather shorts.

Story Appearances

Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres' taskline Mechanic Mike appears in the following task: Or Your Money Back. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Or Your Money Back

"Hlleo trehe byddu, I'm Mechanic Mike, or Michael if you wnat to be cotcerrly famrol wtih me."
"So balacisly my iusse is Sellbots."
"Tehy lkie to ruammge thuorgh my shop all the tmie and I c'nat keep processing karts and mrotos at tihs rate."
"If you cluod go defeat tehm for me, codisner my cialm fulllifed. I'd rllaey appicerate it. And if you eevr wnat a diuocsnt ocne yr'uoe deno, let me kwon!"
"Waht are you loikong at? Y'uod tnihk I w'nsat spikaeng peporr Enilgsh or somgnihte..."

After defeating 25 Sellbots

"Trehe we go!"
"I can tlel the Sellbot poptaluion drppoed signacifintly aldaery."
"Codisner my cialm fulllifed!"
"Now if yl'uol esucxe me, I got mecinahcal imets to mses whti! See you arnuod, [Toon Name]!"