Pamela Puddle

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Pamela Puddle is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Take It or Leaf It Pawn Shop located on Daisy Drive in Daffodil Gardens.


Pamela Puddle is a citrine rabbit who wears a light blue Bottom Stripe shirt and the Blue & Gold skirt.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Pamela Puddle appears in the following task: Reed's Needs. Additionally, Pamela Puddle also appears in the Not-So-Instant Film sidetask. Their dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Reed's Needs

"I'm Pamela Puddle, and THIS is my pawnshop."
"I work here with myself, and my greenery, big grass."
"Just go ahead and tell me about your item and I'll either Take It or Leaf It."
"Commemorative Resistance Ranger pin, eh?"
"Well... These certainly don't come through the door everyday!"
"If you got a minute, I can get my guy who knows a lot about Commemorative Resistance Ranger pins down here to tell me more about it."
"No time, huh?"
"Alright, well... I'll trade you... three leaves for it!"
"Okay, and some pocket lint. But you drive a hard bargain!"
"I mean, it'll sit on my shelf, I gotta find a buyer... It'll really take me a lot of work to sell it..."
"Wait, really? We got a deal?"
"Thank you! Come again anytime!"

Not-So-Instant Film

"Welcome to Take It or Leaf It Pawn Shop, just go ahead and tell me about your item and I'll either Take It or Leaf It."
"Oh, this camera again, huh?"
"What's wrong with it?"
"Ha, if only that were the issue."
"Here, I'll make you a deal."
"Some of those Cashbots came in and nabbed my register and took it with them inside their building."
"If you can get it back, I'll show you how to use this..."
"See you soon, kid."

After recovering A Jellybean Register from a Cashbot Building

"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"I owe it to you to teach you about this camera!"
"It just needs a new bulb, and then it's ready."
"If you can get a bulb from a Cog's health meter, that would work perfectly!"
"I'll be glad to show you all about this "camera" after that!"

After recovering A Light Bulb

"Great! Just pop it in here..."
"And it's ready."
"Okay, stand back, I'm gonna take a "picture"."
"Say cheese!"
"There you go!"
"You might uh, wanna check your book after this. You might find something in your items page."
"I'll show it to Cynthia too, no worries there. I am a "silly friend", after all."
"Anyways, you have a good time. I'll take good care of the camera until I hand it back to Cynthia!"