Postmaster Pete

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Postmaster Pete is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toontown Post Office located on Loopy Lane in Toontown Central.


Postmaster Pete is a lime dog who wears the Cop Hat, Black Sneakers, an unobtainable mailbox shirt, and blue Shorts with Belt

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Postmaser Pete appears in the following task: Letter Rip! His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Letter Rip!

"Oh no, please, no more letters..."
"Please don't tell me you're here with another one..."
"I can't take it anymore! There are letters piled up to my muzzle!"
"I take absolute pride in being the finest postmaster in Toontown, but at this rate, I don't know if I can keep it up."
"And that's concerning, I don't want my 5-star rating on Howl to drop!"
"Please, first, I need better gloves before I begin to touch the massive pile of envelopes I have in the back."
"I'm concerned that my door will burst open, spewing letters everywhere at this rate, and paper cuts are a real concern."
"Could you please get me some papercut-proof gloves? Cold Callers have some that'd be great for this!"
"They're constantly freezing, so they wear gloves to offset that."
"They're also papercut-proof to prevent the cuts that come from handling a bursting rolodex."
"If you could get a few pairs, that'd be amazing. Once the first pair wears out, I'll need to get more!"
"Thank you so much."

After recovering 2 Papercut-Proof Gloves

"Now I just have to sort through all this stuff and get it out to the Toons is belongs to."
"It's crazy, I'll tell ya..."
"It's like people think it's acceptable to send more mail every week thinking their last one didn't get through or something."
"We seem to get TONS of the stuff every single day..."
"I mean granted, we indeed haven't gotten around to sending them through to be read, but still..."
"When I sorted the mail, I was being a bit lazy and tossing a few things here and there. Sometimes chaos is the recipe for success, you know?"
"Anyways, while I had a bunch of letters and boxes spewed about the floor of my shop, a Pencil Pusher sneaked in and snatched up a box."
"I can't let this slip out, it's crucial that my reputation stay as high as it can. I need to keep my dignity!"
"Please, [Toon Name]. Please go out and find the Pencil Pusher that took this box and bring it back before I have to explain away more missing mail."
"I already do that too much as it is!"

After recovering A Mail Package

"I was really worried there, I could see my Postmaster title flashing before my eyes."
"What am I without being a postmaster??"
"I'm just Pete!"
"I can't be JUST Pete!"
"Thank you for your help. I even got the time to drop by Patty Papercut while you were out."
"She helped me devise a new way of delivering letters. The "Paper Airplane."
"They're excellent by the way. They almost seemed to have a mind of their own as they soared off to their respective owners."
"Patty Papercut is kinda an oddball though. She liked to call the airplanes, "her babies."
"Don't ask me why..."
"I just have a few items left now to deliver. Let me take a look."
"Oh, huh. It actually turns out the rest is all for one Toon apparently."
"They're all for Loony Louis, down on Silly Street at his shop Used Clown Cars."
"I wonder what they could be..."
"Here, just take the rest down to him. AND BE CAREFUL!"
"After that we're all sorted!"