Sid Seltzer

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Sid Seltzer is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Seltzer Bottles and Cans located on Loopy Lane in Toontown Central.


Sid Seltzer is a blue dog wearing a slate blue Plain shirt, blue High Pockets shorts, the Seltzer Backpack, and Aqua Toon Boots.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline, Sid Seltzer appears in the following task: Gathering Gags. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Gathering Gags

"Sid Seltzer at your fizzy service!"
"Bubbles? Lame. Bubbly water? Great. Bubbly water in a bottle? Absolutely. Amazing."
"I'm assuming you're here to get your hands on my seltzer, right?"
"One of the most exciting, exclusive, and wonderfully amazing tasting bottles of seltzer in all of Toontown, correct?"
"You want ME to put the bottles of seltzer in OTHER toon's hands?"
"Well, when you put it that way, I do like the picture of it."
"Toons everywhere with MY seltzer bottles at the ready."
"But to do such a service would require an expansion of my production cycle."
"If you could get me more springs from the Cogs, I could do that exact thing, in fact!"
"I used the springs to bounce my water at the perfect pace and repetition, eventually turning it into seltzer perfection."
"Fetch them for me, and I'll absolutely help in equipping Toons everywhere with my seltzer bottles!"

After recovering some Springs

"These are exactly the springs I need. Thank you, [Toon Name]."
"Now I'll get to work on my part, you go ahead and go back to yours."
"And just remember, if you get the chance to hold a seltzer bottle in the midst of battle, it just may be one of Sid Seltzer's finest!"
"How cool is that!"
"See you around, [Toon Name]!"