St. Patrick's Day 2024

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St. Patrick's Day 2024 was an event that began March 17th, 2024 and ended March 27th, 2024. During this event, Toons that logged into the game would receive the St. Patrick's Day outfit, which could be found in the player's mailbox. These items were originally released as a limited time code.

St. Pat's Lucky Tophat St. Pat's Tartan Tophat St. Pat's Clover Headband St. Pat's Clover Hairclip
Stpatsluckytophat.png Stpatstartantophat.png Stpatscloverheadband.png Stpatscloverhairclip.png
St. Pat's 2020 St. Patty's 2020 St. Patty's 2020
StPats2020Shirt.png StPattys2020Shorts.png StPattys2020Skirt.png