Template:Default Phrases

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Default Phrases ‎
  • Hi! E.png
  • Hello! E.png
  • Hi There! E.png
  • Hey! E.png
  • Howdy! E.png
  • Hi everybody! E.png
  • Yo! E.png
  • Welcome to Toontown: Corporate Clash!
  • What's up?
  • How are you doing?
  • Hello?
  • Bye! E.png
  • Later! E.png
  • See ya! E.png
  • Have a nice day!
  • Have fun!
  • Good luck!
  • I'll be right back.
  • I'll be back later!
  • I only have a few minutes.
  • I need to go.
  • :-) E.png
  • Yay! E.png
  • Hooray! E.png
  • Cool!
  • Woo hoo! E.png
  • Yeah!
  • LOL!
  • LMHO!
  • Ha ha!
  • Hee hee!
  • Wow!
  • Great!
  • Whee!
  • Oh boy!
  • Whoopee! E.png
  • Yippee! E.png
  • Yeehaw! E.png
  • Toontastic!
  • Cool beans!
  • Epic!
  • :-( E.png
  • Oh no! E.png
  • Uh oh! E.png
  • Rats!
  • Drat!
  • Ouch!
  • Oof!
  • No!!!
  • Yikes!
  • Sad!
  • Huh?
  • I need more Laff points.
  • My pronounse are he/him.
  • My pronounse are she/her.
  • My pronounse are he/they.
  • My pronounse are she/they.
  • My pronounse are they/them.
  • My pronounse are it/its.
  • I use any pronouns.
  • What are your pronouns?
  • I prefer not to say my pronouns.
  • You look nice.
  • You are awesome!
  • You rock!
  • You are a genius!
  • I like your name.
  • I like your look.
  • I like your shirt.
  • I like your skirt.
  • I like your shorts.
  • I like your accessories.
  • I like this game!
  • Good teamwork!
  • That was fun!
  • Please be my friend!
  • Let's work together!
  • You guys are great!
  • Are you new here?
  • Have you been here before?
  • Did you win?
  • I think this is too risky for you.
  • Would you like some help?
  • Can you help me?
  • I'm sleepy.
  • :)
  • :(
  • :D
  • D:
  • >:)
  • >:(
  • :O
  • :^)
  • :3
  • >:3
  • c:
  • :/
  • ._.
  • Thanks!
  • No problem.
  • You're welcome!
  • Any time!
  • No thank you.
  • Me too.
  • Maybe.
  • I think I found a bug.
  • Sorry, I crashed!
  • Sorry!
  • Oops!
  • Sorry, I'm busy fighting Cogs!
  • Sorry, I'm busy getting jellybeans!
  • Sorry, I'm busy completing a ToonTask!
  • Sorry, I'm busy fishing!
  • Sorry, I'm busy kart racing!
  • Sorry, I'm in a building!
  • Sorry, I'm helping a friend!
  • Sorry, I'm busy golfing!
  • Sorry, I had to leave unexpectedly.
  • Sorry, I was delayed.
  • Sorry, I can't.
  • Sorry, my Friends list is full.
  • I can't get on the elevator now.
  • Sorry, I have to go somewhere else.
  • I couldn't wait any longer.
  • Sorry, I can't use SpeedChat Plus.
  • Use the SpeedChat.
  • Hey! E.png
  • Please go away! E.png
  • Stop that! E.png
  • That wasn't nice! E.png
  • Don't be mean!
  • You stink! E.png
  • I'm stuck.
  • That's not very toony!
  • No, you!
  • You fool!
  • Let's go on the trolley!
  • Let's go back to the playground!
  • Let's go to Toontown Central!
  • Let's go to Barnacle Boatyard!
  • Let's go to Ye Olde Toontowne!
  • Let's go to Daffodil Gardens!
  • Let's go to Mezzo Melodyland!
  • Let's go to The Brrrgh!
  • Let's go to Acorn Acres!
  • Let's go to Drowsy Dreamland!
  • Let's go to Roadster Raceway!
  • Let's go to Minigames Area!
  • Let's go fishing!
  • Let's go to Sellbot HQ!
  • Let's go fight the V.P.!
  • Let's go in the Factory!
  • Let's go to Cashbot HQ!
  • Let's go fight the C.F.O.!
  • Let's go in the Mint!
  • Let's go to Lawbot HQ!
  • Let's go fight the C.L.O.!
  • let's go fight the Overclocked C.L.O.!
  • Let's go in the Lawfice!
  • Let's go to Bossbot HQ!
  • Let's go fight the C.E.O.!
  • Let's go in the Cog Golf Courses!
  • Let's go fight the Cogs!
  • Let's go take over a Cog Building!
  • Let's go in the elevator!
  • Let's go to my house!
  • Let's go to your house!
  • Can you come to my house?
  • Let's go fishing at my house!
  • Wait!
  • Wait for me!
  • Let's wait for my friend.
  • Wait here.
  • Wait a minute.
  • Don't wait for me.
  • Let's catch the next one.
  • Let's go!
  • Can you teleport to me?
  • Shall we go?
  • Where should we go?
  • Which way?
  • This way.
  • Follow me.
  • Let's find other Toons.
  • Meet here.
  • Let's make a Group.
  • Join my Group.
  • Can you invite me to your Group?
  • I'm already in a Group.
  • Leave your Group.
  • Are we ready?
  • Let's go!
  • Let's work on our Club Task!
  • Can you purchase a new Club Task?
  • Can you reroll the Club Tasks?
  • Can you invite me to your Club?
  • Would you like to join my Club?
  • Sorry, my Club is full!
  • I need to [ToonTask objective].
  • I need to get a ToonTask.
  • I need more Invoices.
  • I need more Cogbucks.
  • I need more Patents.
  • I need more Stock Options.
  • I need more Shares.
  • I need more Sellbot Suit Parts.
  • I need more Cashbot Suit Parts.
  • I need more Lawbot Suit Parts.
  • I need more Bossbot Suit Parts.
  • I need more Boardbot Suit Parts.
  • What ToonTask are you working on?
  • Let's work on that.
  • This isn't what I'm looking for.
  • This isn't what you need.
  • I'm going to look for that.
  • I found what you need.
  • It isn't on this street.
  • I haven't found it yet.
  • I think you should use Toon-Up.
  • I think you should use Trap.
  • I think you should use Lure.
  • I think you should use Throw.
  • I think you should use Squirt.
  • I think you should use Zap.
  • I think you should use Sound.
  • I think you should use Drop.
  • Let's use Toon-Up!
  • Let's use Trap!
  • Let's use Lure!
  • Let's use Throw!
  • Let's use Squirt!
  • Let's use Zap!
  • Let's use Sound!
  • Let's use Drop!
  • I'm going to use Toon-Up.
  • I'm going to use Trap.
  • I'm going to use Lure.
  • I'm going to use Throw.
  • I'm going to use Squirt.
  • I'm going to use Zap.
  • I'm going to use Sound.
  • I'm going to use Drop.
  • Nice shot!
  • Nice gag!
  • I have enough Gags.
  • I need more Gags.
  • You need more Gags.
  • I think you should pass.
  • I think you should run.
  • I think you should use an IOU.
  • I think you should sue a Cog.
  • I think you should fire a Cog.
  • I think you should use a different Gag.
  • I think you should lock in.
  • I think you should use a Unite.
  • I'm preparing to use a Unite.
  • I'm on reward cooldown.
  • I'm going to pass.
  • I'm going to run.
  • I'm going to use an IOU.
  • I'm going to sue a Cog.
  • I'm going to fire a Cog.
  • Let's all go for the same Cog.
  • Let's go for differnet Cogs.
  • You should go for a different Cog.
  • Let's go for the leftmost Cog.
  • Let's go for the rightmost Cog.
  • Let's go for the middle-left Cog.
  • Let's go for the middle-right Cog.
  • Let's go for the middle Cog.
  • Let's go for the Executive Cog.
  • Let's go for the Manager Cog.
  • Let's go for the weakest Cog first.
  • Let's go for the strongest Cog first.
  • I need a Toon-Up.
  • Save your powerful Gags.
  • Don't use Sound on Lured Cogs.
  • Make sure the Cog is soaked before using Zap.
  • Hit the Lured Cog before using Drop.
  • Don't place multiple Traps on the same Cog.
  • Let's use the same Gag Track for extra damage!
  • Missed me!
  • Bring it on!
  • Rock and roll!
  • That's gotta hurt.
  • Catch!
  • Special delivery!
  • Are you still here?
  • I'm SO scared!
  • That's going to leave a mark!
  • Come and get me!
  • Piece of cake!
  • That was easy!
  • Hurry!
  • We can do this!
  • You did it!
  • We did it!
  • Run!
  • Help!
  • Phew!
  • We are in trouble.
  • Yes. E.png
  • No. E.png
  • OK.