Turnkey Day Preparation

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Turnkey Day Preparation was a Special Event Task available during the Thanksgiving 2020 event. Players could start this task by talking to Turnkey in the Toontown Central Playground.


A new Toon Tourist in town is racing to prepare the feast, only issue is he has no idea what he's doing. Maybe you could give him a hand?

Task Steps

  • Visit Turnkey in the Toontown Central Playground
  • Visit Caesar at The Salad Bar on Tulip Terrace
  • Return to Caesar at The Salad Bar on Tulip Terrace
  • Visit Turnkey in the Toontown Central Playground
  • Visit Tinothy at Fine Woods and Canned Goods on Almond Avenue
  • Visit Maple Oak at Doors For The Outdoors on Almond Avenue
  • Visit Tinothy at Fine Woods and Canned Goods on Almond Avenue
  • Visit Turnkey in the Toontown Central Playground
  • Visit Dinah Docker at Docker's Diner on Lighthouse Lane
    • Investigate the Lighthouse Lane Tunnel
  • Return to Dinah Docker at Docker's Diner on Lighthouse Lane
  • Visit Davey Drydock at What's Up, Dock? on Lighthouse Lane
  • Return to Davey Drydock at What's Up, Dock? on Lighthouse Lane
  • Visit Dinah Docker at Docker's Diner on Lighthouse Lane
  • Visit Turnkey in the Toontown Central Playground
    • Throw 10 Pineapples
  • Return to Turnkey in the Toontown Central Playground

Task Script

Turnkey Day Preparation's Task Script
The Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki has a separate article for Turnkey Day Preparation's Task Script.


Leaf Hat Giving Thanks Platepack
LeafHat.png GivingThanksPlatepack.png