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Ahab is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Ahab's Prefab Sea Crab Center located on Seaweed Street in Barnacle Boatyard.


Ahab is a slate blue monkey who wears the Fishing Hat, the Old Boot shirt, and the Lucky Clover shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Ahab appears in the following task: Someone's Been Drinking Saltwater... His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Someone's Been Drinking Saltwater...

"Aye! Come to be me first mate are ye?"
"Why not? Too much o' a landlubber, ay?"
"Fer years I've been a cap'n. Constantly protectin' the seas o' Barnacle Boatyard, makin' sure no evil touches her waves."
"That's what I've called meself at least. Either way, these Cogs be lootin' up our land, roamin' our streets 'n I can not stand fer it!"
"I wants ye to show me ye've got what it takes to be a true privateer. Go 'n defeat some o' those blimey robots 'n show me ye've got what it takes."

After defeating 6 Cogs

"Well shiver me timbers! Ye sure look like a true buccaneer!"
"Masterful job in pillagin' those robots 'n feedin' them to the fish!"
"Ye're an honorary first mate by me one good eye!"
"But ye aren't dressed like a true pirate. I reckon ye visit Topsy Turvey at the Cap Size Hat Store o'er on Lighthouse Lane."
"'Ave her get ye in shipshape wit' a true pirate hat. I wants ye lookin' the best fer the occasion!"
"Ye'll be shipshape and prime to man the helm. Ye run on now and get yet hat."
"Yer work here is done. This ol' capn' will protect the seven seas. Ye do the same, Capn' [Toon Name]!"