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Anna is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Anna's Cruises located on Tenor Terrace in Mezzo Melodyland.


Anna is a red duck who wears a maroon Bottom Stripe shirt and an orange Striped skirt.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Anna appears in the following task: Slow Cruising. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Slow Cruising

"Welcome to Anna's Cruises, the finest pickup in all of Toontown!"
"Downsize? Lower expectations?"
"That's quite silly!"
"Ever since the Cogs came, I've only experienced more bookings than ever!"
"In fact, if you're here to help, you can assist me in getting my booking chart back!"
"Earlier today, a Number Cruncher came inside, swatting away all my clients and snatching it right from my gloves."
"If you could go and find it for me, I'd be so thankful!"

After recovering A Booking Chart from Number Crunchers

"That's it! Thank you!"
"Now I can expect to see even more clients coming in! Thanks, [Toon Name]!"
"And make sure you tell Moe Zart the great news. I haven't seen him lately, so this should be great for him to hear."
"Thanks again!"