Moe Zart

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Moe Zart is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in More Scores located on Alto Avenue in Mezzo Melodyland.


Moe Zart is a sea green dog who wears a bright red Plain shirt and red High Pockets shorts.


Moe Zart can be given out by Rain as a 1 Gag IOU from the V.P. boss battle. He boosts the power of the next used Sound Gag by 35 damage.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Moe Zart appears in the following tasks: Going Through The Moetions, Slow Cruising, Dull Scissors & Expectations, Take a Deeeeep Breath, To Catch a Cashbot, Mints, Anyone?, and The Vault Heist. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Going Through The Moetions

"Oh, hi."
"Are you looking for something?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm the ambassador alright..."
"It's just..."
"I'm not feeling the toony spirit like I was once, honestly."
"Mezzo Melodyland used to be a bright and colorful place. Full of harmonious music and the sound of joy and cheer."
"But then those Cogs came..."
"Now don't get me wrong, I put my best foot forward and battled back, and we did good, for a while at least."
"But then those Cogs just kept coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't--"
"You get the picture."
"These Cashbots have flooded our streets and made Mezzo Melodyland their home..."
"It's caused nothing but stress and issues, to the point that we've evacuated Toons from their shops as they're dangerously close to the headquarters."
"Go have a look at the damage yourself."
"Head over to Nothing But Treble on Soprano Street. I imagine you'll find it deserted, just to the Cogs' pleasure."
"I imagine they even ransacked it. Go see how much damage was done and come back."
"I can already imagine having to put the call in for Tony Deff to come fix the roofing..."

After returning from Nothing But Treble

"It was in disrepair, wasn't it..."
"...It was perfectly fine?"
"Hah, for now, anyways..."
"And I'm sure you saw it, right?"
"Their headquarters, just looming over everything..."
"I'm telling you, [Toon Name]. Mezzo Melodyland just isn't what it used to be anymore."
"In fact, I bet if you asked the average Toon what their least favorite playground was, it'd be ours..."
"It wasn't like that before, though."
"Mezzo Melodyland used to be the heart and soul of Toontown, as a matter of fact."
"Toons used to stroll down these streets skipping and singing gleefully, until the Cogs came and caused "the switch" to happen..."
"What's the switch, you ask?"
"You see, at the end of Soprano Street used to sit the Toontown Mint."
"It was a fantastically beautiful place where the Toons of Mezzo Melodyland produced Toontown's mint chocolate coins!"
"Everyone used them as the main form of currency!"
"But then the Cashbots came in droves and invaded it, taking it over and turning it into their own headquarters..."
"Leading to the Toon Council installing new JELLYBEAN mints in Toontown... Being operated by the gag shops... Thus being "the switch"."
"It's awful. Ever since these Cogs came it just feels like the magic of Mezzo Melodyland isn't there anymore."
"Toon travel here is at an all-time low..."
"I've even heard word of development for mint chocolate coin presses somewhere else in Toontown for new purposes..."
"Anyways, I've been working for a long time now on my downsizing plans."
"I don't expect Mezzo to recover, so I'm working on lowering production and expectations for all Toons still here."
"You can help me though, I need you to visit Anna at Anna's Cruises Travel Agency on Tenor Terrace."
"Tell her to expect less bookings, come back once you're done and I'll send you to the next shopkeeper on my list."
"Thanks. Sorry to burden you."

Slow Cruising

"...More bookings than ever?"
"Heh, that must be just an extraneous oddity."
"I bet that's probably from some mandate Flippy put into effect, like the one that brought you here..."
"Go see Barbara Seville at her shop "Shave and a Haircut For a Song" here on Alto Avenue."
"I need you to tell her to slow down on sharpening her clippers, as the number of songs she receives will most certainly be declining."

Dull Scissors & Expectations

"Not a single haircut in weeks, right?"
"...Booming business? Offkey Eric, too?"
"Well I bet she didn't even listen to my compo-"
"She DID?"
"Wow, that's surprising, I didn't expect anyone to listen to all ten hours..."
"But still, trims are something that'll always be needed, so that must be the reason."
"Plus everyone needs to eat, so tuning utensils are always a sellable commodity..."
"I want you to go tell Annie Airhead to expect a surplus of canned air."
"The Toons wanting to pull pranks and make loud noises surely won't be coming..."
"Her shop is The Air Horn Refillery on Soprano Street."
"Let me know how breaking the tough news goes."

Take a Deeeeep Breath

"Let me guess again, cans on top of cans of stored air, right?"
"...tons of customers? An entire new line of air horns?"
"Wow... maybe I've been wrong this entire time."
"All this time I've been thinking to myself that this Cog invasion has been such a plague..."
"A dampening on the light and sounds of Mezzo Melodyland."
"But maybe, just maybe, it's only brought out the best of us!"
"You know what, I'm in too. I can't let this beat me."
"We're going to take these Cogs down. And I'm going to join back in the fight."
"We're going to start with that ugly headquarters. We need to understand how to take that down."
"I want you to go see Professor Pete, he's the wisest Toon on strategy."
"Ask him about these Cashbots and come back to me, we need to get to work."

To Catch a Cashbot

"Good to go? Excellent!"
"From what you said, we need to put our focus into building this Cog disguise."
"So, we have to play smart here. We don't want to rush into this headfirst."
"I want you to go investigate first, take a step inside that entrance and report back what you find, but be careful."

After investigating the Cashbot Train Yard

"How is it?"
"Just what I expected."
"It seems they've completely taken our mint over and transformed it into their own. Fueling cash flow from our very own building..."
"Our mint buildings, our chocolate coin vault, and even our trolley tracks..."
"Toons used to wheel wildly throughout the Toontown Mint, stopping to pick up some delicious chocolate coins on their rides through."
"Now they've ripped up all those tracks, bringing in their own trains from who knows where..."
"We can't just stand by and let this happen. We have to shut this headquarters down from the inside."
"What's that? Coin mint? Dollar mint? BULLION MINT?"
"They used to be three Chocolate Coin Mints. Now... they're Cog Mints..."
"Go into each of them, and get disguise pieces from each one, just like Professor Pete said."
"I think the best idea would be four from the Coin Mint, four from the Dollar Mint, and two from the Bullion Mint."
"Be careful. Assemble this disguise as soon as you can!"
"Good luck."

Mints, Anyone?

"That Cashbot disguise looks fantastic, [Toon Name]."
"You're ready."
"I forwarded my plans over to the Resistance leaders back in Toontown Central, and Mata Hairy took note. She said she wants to see you."
"Work with her to infiltrate that headquarters, and find what's lurking inside."
"Once you do, come back to me, I'll want to share some words with you."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]. Good luck."

The Vault Heist

"Did you do it?"
"You took down the C.F.O.? The head of the entire Cashbot department?"
"I applaud you, [Toon Name]."
"I asked Mata Hairy to make sure you came here, as there's words I meant to leave with you before you left."
"I just wanted to say thank you."
"Thank you for keeping the spirit inside me alive, for showing me that Mezzo Melodyland is still the prosperous place it always had been."
"And thank you for showing us the right way to infiltrate the Cogs Headquarters."
"For equipping us with the knowledge to fight the C.F.O. and to keep our streets safe."
"I can't thank you enough."
"And before you go, I just want to say good luck to you on your future endeavors. You're a special Toon, [Toon Name]."
"Thank you again!"

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Moe Zart has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "It's hard to keep track of time. I'll start composing, then next thing you know, it's four in the morning."
  • "You're keeping those Cashbots in check... right?"
  • "If you ever need lessons, be sure to stop by!"


  • Prior to the v1.2.0 update, when called using an SOS card in battle, Moe Zart would use Sound on all Cogs in battle dealing 85 damage to each using an Opera Singer.
  • Prior to the v1.3.0 update, Moe Zart was a 5-Star SOS Card who boosted the power of Sound Gags by 15% for the next 3 turns when called.