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Flippy is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Toon Hall located in the Toontown Central playground.


Flippy is an aqua dog with black ears. He wears an orange double striped shirt and purple jeans.


Flippy can be given out by Rain as a 1 Gag IOU from the V.P. boss battle. He boosts the power of the next used Toon-Up Gag by 60 Laff.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Flippy appears in the following tasks: Welcome to Toontown! and Smart Minds Think Unalike. Additionally Flippy also appears in the Trashcat Troubles sidetask. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Welcome to Toontown!

"Say, I heard you graduated training! Con-grad-ulations!"
"Welcome to Toontown Central, let me show you around some of the most important landmarks."
"This is a Toon Headquarters, or Toon HQ. Outposts like these are set up all over Toontown!"
"Each one has HQ Officers inside to help Toons. This one happens to be where some of our best Resistance Rangers are stationed, like Lord Lowden Clear!"
"You'll visit the Rangers soon, so let's move on."
"Here's Toontown Central's Gag Shop! You can buy Gags inside, but that requires Jellybeans!"
"You can earn Jellybeans through battles, completing quests, fishing, playing table games, and trolley games!"
"Speaking of which..."
"The trolley! Hop on with some Toons or by yourself to play some Toontastic minigames while earning Jellybeans!"
"Now, I think those are the most important playground buildings..."
"Oh yes! How could I forget!"
"I'm here in Toon Hall! Please, come inside so I can give you a proper Toontown welcome!"

After talking to Flippy

"Greetings, [Toon Name]! I see you made it out of training alright."
"With all that out of the way, I'd like to formally welcome you to our humble home of Toontown! I'm the town's mayor, Flippy."
"We're all incredibly glad to have you here, we need all the help we can get!"
"Those Cogs that Lord Lowden Clear mentioned have been on our doorstep for a while now."
"Invading our streets, taking over our shops, setting up headquarters, and disrupting our Toony ways of life!"
"It's only gotten worse as of late."
"However, as our numbers grow, so too does our chance at putting an end to this!"
"Toons just like you from all over the world are joining our forces to help us take a stand."
"Lowden mentioned that you showed exceptional promise, due to picking up on things so quickly."
"I have no doubts in my mind that you will do incredible things during your time here."
"Now then, Lowden is ready for you - he's stationed at Toon HQ here in the playground."
"I hope that, in spite of everything, you enjoy your stay here in Toontown, [Toon Name]. I won't keep you any longer."
"Good luck out there!"

Smart Minds Think Unalike

"Oh, hey there, [Toon Name]! How's it going with the Toon Resistance?"
"How did YOU hear about the unification project?"
"Lord Lowden Clear??"
"Why would he tell you? You're not supposed to know about this..."
"Wait, what DO you know?"
"Oh, not much huh? Ha, yeah uh..."
"Our... "unification" project."
"Yeah, ha!"
"It's uh..."
"How do I put this...?"
"Oh, uh, yeah it's a really big deal!"
"Very important!"
"I need you to handle this for me. Just try not to ask too many questions."
"For your own good of course, but nothing bad would happen, either way, I promise."
"That darn Lowden Clear... Of course, he'd do whatever he could to get out of this one."
"We've been trying to talk all the finest doctors and professors we have here in Toontown Central."
"We've gotten every single one on board..."
"Professor Binky, Dr. Foolery, Dr. Euphoric, Professor Wiggles, everyone!"
"Except for a very specific two -- Dr. Pulyurleg, and Dr. Sensitive..."
"Oh, and Professor Guffaw of course. She's too busy making bad puns all the time after all the help you've given her."
"We just need you to help us with Dr. Pulyurleg, and Dr. Sensitive. They're both needed, but they bicker at each other constantly!"
"Prove to me that you're so good that Lowden Clear has such confidence in you, and go get them working back together again."
"This isn't just for public relations mind you, these are the finest doctors and professors, they keep us moving forward and in good toony shape!"
"Like I said though, don't ask them too many questions."
"We don't want you uh... Upsetting them with simple questions!"

After returning from Dr. Sensitive

"Fantastic. You're the real deal."
"We were worried we wouldn't be able to get those Toons working together again, but you stepped right in and proved us wrong."
"All I can say is thank you."
"Thank you, and welcome to the Toon Resistance."
"We're glad to have you, [Toon Name]."
"Before I let you go, I just wanted to tell you to go check back with Lord Lowden Clear. He may have more tasks for you."
"From the sounds of it, he's definitely taken a liking to you. And that's understandable. You're an excellent assent and a team member."
"Thank you again, [Toon Name]. I'll see you around."

Trashcat Troubles

"Hi, [Toon Name]! How can I help?"
"The trashcat? Contractually obligated? Normal Toon? What is this nonsense?"
"Trashcat already IS a normal Toon, just like me and you."
"He just has a passion for hanging around in our trashcans and getting rid of the stuff we toss out."
"It's a mutually beneficial thing, so we let him hang around."
"Sorry to break it to you this way but he does this all the time. In fact, you're not even the first person to "put in a good word" for him today."
"Go check back with him before he runs off, I apologize on behalf of his behavior."
"If there's anything else you need help with just let me know, [Toon Name]."
"Have a great day!"

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline Flippy appears in the following task: Oh, Barnacles... His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Oh, Barnacles!

"Welcome back, [Toon Name]."
"So, Lord Lowden Clear made it apparent that you've assisted them with everything you possibly could this point."
"Since this is the case, I do have a new job for you that I think you're ready for."
"As you may have experienced yourself, there's many places to visit here in Toontown."
"And they're all experiencing the invasion of Cogs all around."
"There was one place that held out for a while..."
"But was the most recent playground to experience the flood of Cogs swarming their streets."
"Each playground had an ambassador of sorts assigned. I presume you've heard this term before, correct?"
"These Toons are supposed to help organize and strategize with their HQ Officers, much like me here in Toontown Central."
"I need you to go over to the Barnacle Boatyard playground as soon as you can."
"We've recently promoted Barnacle Bessie to ambassador of Barnacle Boatyard."
"I'm sure she could really use this assistance."
"Oh, and she's in the lighthouse on Lighthouse Lane now, it's her base of operations."
"Just take Punchline Place to get to Barnacle Boatyard, and from there you can find her on Lighthouse Lane."
"I'll leave this in your hands, [Toon Name]. You're a Toon of the resistance now, and a darn good one."
"Show us why we continue to put these tasks in your hands. The best of luck to you!"

Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Flippy appears in the following tasks: Flippy's Plans and Trained and Ready. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Flippy's Plans

"Ah, yes! [Toon Name]! Just the Toon I wanted to see."
"Firstly, let me congratulate you on all you've accomplished in Barnacle Boatyard."
"I've heard great things were coming from the things you did!"
"The Toon Resistance thanks you, and so do I."
"So, I had a plan for you... It was going to take you to Acorn Acres."
"You'd have worked closely with ambassador Professor Pi, working to defeat Bossbots."
"But... she said she didn't want your help. as she felt you were way too weak, and too new..."
"She said, and I quote, "We're organizing a battle stike afterall, not a daycare!""
"So, in that case... I'm uh..."
"I'm going to give you the opportunity of a lifetime to learn from some of the best instructors that Toontown has to offer!"
"They'll help us-"
"I MEAN, uh..."
"They'll help YOU research the ropes of battling these Cogs, identifying them, and the proper strategies in taking them down."
"Who are they, you ask?"
"Why, they're the Toontown Elders of course!"
"They're the oldest and wisest Toons in all of Toontown. They've been around for longer than anyone in town can even remember!"
"Head over to the elder headquarters over in Ye Olde Toontowne's playground."
"Everything should be set up in advance by the time you arrive. Just let them know Flippy sent you."
"This learning should equip you to move forward and allow you to help us in future missions."
"These are the most experienced Toons in all of Toontown, after all."
"Good luck to you, and I hope this proves useful for you!"

Trained and Ready

"Good work, [Toon Name]!"
"I've been getting snippets here and there of word of your excellent work during your time in Ye Olde Toontowne."
"And the Public Relations Representative, you say?"
"I'll forward all the information you have to Lowden Clear, but if you ever have the time you're always free to take them down again."
"It's always good to keep the elders out of harm's way."
"With that being said, I think you're finally ready. You're a trained Toon now."
"Take everything you've learned, every document, every fact, everything with you to Professor Pete."
"He will go over everything with you, and from there we will devise a plan to move us forward."
"You've made me proud today, [Toon Name]. Keep it up."

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Flippy appears in the following task: Pete's Onto Something... His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Pete's Onto Something...

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down there, [Toon Name]."
"What's all this about metal framing? ..Weaknesses?"
"So it seems conclusive that this is the right way to go, huh?"
"Right, well then I'll have you go right away to Daffodil Garden's ambassador."
"It's been utterly flooded with Sellbots as of late."
"The Toon I'm sending you to is one of the best Toons in the game of training, as a matter of fact."
"His name?"
"Coach Zucchini."
"I'll send a briefing ahead of time to arrive for him before you get there, that way we'll all be on the same page by the time you arrive."
"Keep your head up, your Gags stocked, and your pies flying!"
"Good luck."

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Flippy appears in the following task: Flippy's Been Expecting You. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Flippy's Been Expecting You

"Fantastic, you're back."
"First, how did handling the Sellbots go?"
"Detective Lima..."
"Don't you worry, [Toon Name]. We'll find him soon."
"But I brought you back here for another reason."
"It's about Moe Zart. He's the ambassador for Mezzo Melodyland."
"Since the time the Cogs invaded Mezzo Melodyland I've begun to hear less and less from him, and that's a major issue."
"The only person I've managed to contact recently in fact is Resistance Ranger Rhapsody."
"I need you to straighten this out as this isn't a time we can allow for things to fall apart."
"I also hear word that they've been dealing with a lot lately, with a Cog outpost lurking nearby."
"Go and assist them, help fix the issues Moe Zart has and bring Mezzo Melodyland back on board in the fight against these Cogs."
"I'm counting on you, [Toon Name]."
"I'll call for you again soon, now go and work your magic!"

The Brrrgh - Flippy appears in the Art for Auntie Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Art for Auntie

"Hey there, [Toon Name]! Can I help you with something?"
"Art for an art gallery, you say? Well, sure! I'd be more than happy to donate some pieces I myself have collected over the years!"
"I don't know if you noticed, but I'm a bit of an art connosseuir myself..."
"Just take a look around!"
"Well? What do you think?"
"I pride myself of displaying the talent of Toontown's most creative Toons right here in Toon Hall!"
"But I'm sure an art gallery could use some of these more. Especially since I'm running out of room to display them..."
"I hope these help, and tell Auntie Art I said hello!"

Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres' taskline Flippy appears in the following task: Flippy's Message. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Flippy's Message

"[Toon Name]! Perfect, there's no time to waste!"
"Remember all the great work you've done, helping Toontown Central Toons?"
"Aiding the needs of the Barnacle Boatyardians?"
"And even assisting the wisest elders in Ye Olde Toontowne?"
"Great. Keep that fresh in your mind."
"You've been drafted."
"Shhh. No words."
"Just go speak with Good ol' Gil Giggles. You'll learn in time."
"Good luck out there on the battlefield, [Toon Name]."

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Flippy appears in the following tasks: The Star of the Show, Put Me In, Couch, and The Day Is Saved! His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

The Star of The Show

"There they are! The star of the show!"
"How does it feel, [Toon Name]?"
"Knowing that you've come here and single handedly helped basically every Toon in Toontown?"
"From your humble beginnings training with the resistance here in Toontown Central."
"Protecting the Toons of Barnacle Boatyard from the invading Cogs, learning from the elders..."
"Setting a foundation for us to plan to find Lima, and getting Moe Zart back on board..."
"Finding Lil' Oldman like a true bloodhound, and of course taking down both Lawbot and Bossbot Headquarters!"
"It's been a real journey for you, [Toon Name]."
"I'm proud of you."
"Our job here isn't done yet, but we're in such a better place."
"Soon we'll roll out more plans to launch attacks on these Cogs, but we have to organize them."
"So hey, maybe this IS a chance for a vacation after all!"
"If you don't mind the Cogs still roaming around, that is."
"Oh, and by the way, I heard Professor Pete wanted a word with you. I'm not sure what it's about."
"I won't hold you up any longer. But I sure am glad you're around."
"Have fun in Toontown, [Toon Name]."

Put Me In, Coach

"I... I just don't know what to say."
"And who told you about Loony Labs? They're not even public! And possibly rebranding!!"
"...Professor Pete again?"
"Can't that darn cat ever keep his lips shut..."
"Look, [Toon Name]. If you're sure you're ready for this challenge..."
"And you have Lord Lowden Clear's blessing.... Then consider it done."
"I will be biting my claws until I hear word back from you, though."
"PLEASE, be safe..."
"The CEO's office isn't a safe place to go, we've agreed to avoid entering it at all costs."
"But we trust you, [Toon Name]."
"Good luck."

The Day Is Saved!

"Oh great! I can breathe..."
"How was it? Did you give it to em good?"
"That's what I thought!"
"Oh, [Toon Name]. Toontown wouldn't be the same without you..."
"From early beginnings learning the ropes here in Toontown Central."
"Assisting the Toons of Barnacle Boatyard, learning lessons, getting stronger."
"Helping the elders, not arguing with us everytime we kept a secret from you..."
"Restoring faith in Moe Zart, finding Lil' Oldman..."
"And even going on your own and tracking down this dastardly plan the CEO and the Chairman hatched, and stopping it yourself."
"You've taught us how to effectively battle each department, how to handle ourselves in battle overall, and just helped us in every possible facet."
"It is with great honor that I bestow upon you the Gold Medal shirt."
"It's a prestigious shirt."
"We also kinda handed them out during competitions and stuff and have some extra, but still, it's truly meaningful, I promise."
"It's for going above and beyond nearly every other Toon in Toontown."
"I thank you, [Toon Name]."
"You're the tooniest Toon in Toontown!"
"But our job here is not done yet."
"Keep your head up and your eyes open."
"The Chairman and his departments are not defeated. Not yet, anyways."
"We have places to go and mountains to tackle. But we'll get there."
"Especially if we got you on our side, [Toon Name]."
"See me again soon, for we'll have work to do, I'm sure of it."
"But for now, enjoy your vacation."
"Enjoy the rays of Toontown Central, the winter wonderland that is The Brrrgh, and each and every place in between."
"Help your fellow Toons, enjoy yourself, heck, even compete in some game shows for all I care!"
"Just enjoy yourself, [Toon Name]."
"Thank you."

Event Tasks - Flippy appears in the Halloween 2018 ToonTask and the Toonsmas task: For Years To Come... His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Halloween 2018 ToonTask

"Attention, [Toon Name]!"
"Some Toons you may... or may not know... are in great danger!"
"And they need YOUR help!"
"With the spooky events popping up all over Toontown, we were doing some extensive... fieldwork."
"We were looking into why these eerie occurrences happen in Toontown each and every year!"
"I sent those Toons out all around Toontown in search of clues."
"We even had a way of communicating from far distances. They call it, "Radio-Whispers."
"It's much more efficient than the way we normally whisper into portable holes!"
"Except with the sky darkening and the clouds brewing, our signal got cut off."
"Normally this wouldn't be an issue. Just meet up later and things would be okay, right?"
"Wrong. It's been days... I'm worried sick!"
"With all the spookiness and scary stuff lurking, I wouldn't want them to turn into mad scientists!"
"Scientists, you say?"
"Ha. When did I mention that?"
"The point is, I need you to help me find them!"
"The first Toon you need to find for me is Professor Prepostera."
"They were doing some simple tests over in Barnacle Boatyard."
"I told them to check a place full of plant life. Especially when there may be a lot of fish!"
"They agreed, but they kept mentioning how hungry they were. Maybe that could help you!"
"Please find Professor Prepostera!"

After finding Professor Prepostera

"Did you find them?"
"Oh, thank heavens!"
"I sure hope that cheap Chinese food was worth it..."
"Ok, next Toon, Doctor Surlee."
"I told them to research in Daffodil Gardens."
"Specifically, around someplace that has a lot of those pretty pink flowers I see all the time."
"I told them very clearly to not return until something "POPS" up!"
"But... I'm concerned."
"Just to be sure I didn't send him off to his doom, can you go try to track him down?"
"Thank you so much [Toon Name]."

After finding Doctor Surlee

"They were where?"
"When I told them to not show up until something pops up..."
"Composure Flippy, composure."
"Ok. Well. We know they're alright, and that's all that matters."
"We should check in with Professor Partickle now."
"I told them to test skiing on the mounds of snow in The Brrrgh to see if the conditions have any effect."
"They seemed pretty enthused about the idea. Until I dropped a conditional term on them."
"I said that they had to keep their distance from Professor Flake. Those two always cause trouble when they're together."
"See if you can find them, please."

After finding Professor Partickle

"Just down the street waiting for Flake, you say?"
"Just what I reckon would've happened..."
"I should've sent another Toon there, but hindsight is fifty-fifty, as they say."
"How about Doctor Simpletoon. They travelled over to Ye Olde Toontowne."
"Their job was simple. Just check out the area and see what's turned up since these events begun."
"I told them to watch out for heights though. They're deathly afraid of them!"
"I hope they're alright!"

After finding Doctor Simpletoon

"Oh boy..."
"I sure hope they get down safely."
"We might just have to send a toony crane in to get him down again..."
"That'd be the third time this month, in fact."
"They didn't even bring me breaking news."
"That witch has caused me trouble for the last couple weeks."
"I've talked to Al Bumbledorf extensively on what to do about them."
"Don't you dare start conversation up with that witch, by the way, I'm sure it'd just cause you trouble!"
"Well, while you're still here, why don't you look for the last Toon."
"Their name is Professor Whyze."
"I sent them out to the most tiresome playground of all. Drowsy Dreamland."
"They mentioned something about a lullaby over the radio-whispers they got to me."
"But then it started to cut out, and I could hardly understand them."
"They started mentioning something about seeing fine, and then asking me if I do..."
"It confused me at that moment. It reminded me of Dr. Ivanna Cee's shop on Sleet Street."
"But that makes no sense."
"They last said something about stopping nearby."
"They were the last Toon in correspondence with me, but it cut out after that."
"Please, do your best to find them. Thank you."

After finding Professor Whyze

"Did they do the ramble?"
"They always do the ramble to new Toons..."
"I've heard tales of Toons actually having the best sleep of their lives throughout that ramble."
"And if they don't listen, he comes to me to ramble about how they didn't listen."
"And you wonder why I'm always so busy!"
"Anyways, thank you, [Toon Name]."
"It's truly a relief knowing that on these spooky days the scientists of--"
"Well, that those Toons are alright!"
"Anyways, as a reward, take this."
"It's a costume they gave me earlier as a way of making me feel closer to them. I think."
"You'll surely enjoy it more than I do. As you can see, I got my own costume ready!"
"See you around, [Toon Name]. And while things are dark and spooky, enjoy the festivities!"

For Years To Come...

"Hey, [Toon Name]!"
"It's great to see you! What can I do for you?"
"You have a gift for me?"
"How thoughtful."
"It's a new jellybean jar! And a huge one at that!"
"How did you know? I haven't told anyone about this!"
"Corgi Diem?"
"Well, I'm glad they seem to be enjoying their stay here."
"I feel real bad accepting this without anything to give them in return."
"Here, I have an idea."
"Why don't you give them this?"
"An official citizenship to Toontown! They can come and go as they please!"
"This includes their friends, of course."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]! And give Corgi my thanks as well!"
"Happy holidays!"

The Comics - Flippy appears in the 12th Corporate Clash Comic: Reid-tirement

Misc. Appearances

  • Flippy appears in the Welcome to Toontown video on the Corporate Clash Youtube channel.
  • Flippy is briefly mentioned in the Let The Games Begin! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Flippy speaks in the Get involved! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Flippy speaks in the Halloween is here! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Flippy speaks in the Happy Thanksgiving, Corporate Clash! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • During the Christmas 2018 event, Flippy appears in the Santa flyover event.
  • Flippy is briefly mentioned in the Operation: MAYDAY blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Flippy is briefly mentioned in the Save Me A Slice of Cake! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Flippy is briefly mentioned in the Outback To The Basics blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • A Cog attempting to impersonate Flippy appears in a tweet on the Corporate Clash Twitter
  • Flippy is briefly mentioned in the Con'fiddle'uded Vacation blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Flippy appears in the New Adventures Await In The v1.2.5 Update! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Leading up to the Toonsmas 2021 event, a letter from St. Bernard being sent to Flippy was shown on the Corporate Clash twitter.
  • Shortly after the Toonsmas 2021 event, letters from the Spirits of Toonseltown were shown off on the Corporate Clash twitter. Flippy is briefly mentioned in the letter from Perez Cent.

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Flippy has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "I think I could use a secretary..."
  • "I hope your day has been Toontastic!"
  • "What brings you to my office?"
  • "Hello [Toon Name]! How is your stay in Toontown?"


  • Prior to the v1.1.0 Update, Flippy's ears were colored blue.
    • With the addition of colored ears, Flippy's ears were changed to black to resemble his appearance in Toontown Online where all dog Toons had black ears.
  • Prior to the v1.2.0 Update, when called using an SOS card in battle, Flippy would use Toon-Up to heal all Toons in battle for 150 laff split between the group using the High Dive.
  • Prior to the v1.3.0 update, Flippy was a 5-Star SOS Card who boosted the power of Toon-Up Gags by 40% for the next 3 turns when called.
  • During the Halloween 2018 event, Flippy wore a scarecrow costume. He did not return to wearing this costume in subsequent years.
  • Flippy is slightly larger than most Toons.
