Dr. Sensitive

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Dr. Sensitive is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Hardy Harr Seminars located on Punchline Place in Toontown Central.


Dr. Sensitive is a pink mouse who wears the Doctor's Headband, the Daisy shirt, and a red Denim skirt.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline, Dr. Sensitive appears in the following task: Smart Minds Think Unalike. Her dialogue during this tasks is as follows:

Smart Minds Think Unalike

"Welcome to my seminar shop, [Toon Name]! How can I assist you?"
"Dr. Pulyurleg? Yes, a single sour grape amongst the finest vines that you can find."
"I can't take a joke? HA!"
"If there's one thing I can tell you about Dr. Pulyurleg, it's this..."
"It doesn't take a literary and audible genius to understand the connotations behind his jests."
"It is clear as day."
"He has a crush on me."
"Can't you see it?"
"Here's what we'll do."
"Since you've been a big help for us, I'll let you work with him to write a love letter or a date proposal..."
"Whatever juvenile gesture that he can produce. Something of that nature."
"Go see him, work something up, and I'll humor him so that we can all get along together again."

After obtaining a love letter

"Ah, yes. A love letter just like little Toons in the school house would pass around."
"You can tell Flippy I'll work with Dr. Pulyurleg again. I have a feeling he'll no longer mess with me."
"Thank you for finally getting that out of him, and for resolving the issues at hand."