Dr. Pulyurleg

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Dr. Pulyurleg is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Dr. Pulyurleg, Chiropractor located on Punchline Place in Toontown Central.


Dr. Pulyurleg is a yellow cat who wears an orange tinted Lab Coat, yellow High Pockets shorts, a Doctor's Headband, and Nerd Glasses.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline, Dr. Pulyurleg appears in the following task: Gathering Gags. Additionally, Dr. Pulyurleg also appears in The Mysterious Duck Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Smart Minds Think Unalike

"Hi there, [Toon Name]! Come for an adjustment?"
"No? Well, your legs do look mighty stiff, I gotta say."
"JUST KIDDING! Just so you know in advance, I am a jokester of sorts."
"I pride myself on pulling off all kinds of funny little pranks of other Toons."
"In fact, the longest running one was one I had going on Professor Wiggle for years!"
"It all ended unfortunately when I ironically pulled my leg tripping over some of the boxes of ink he had ordered in advance in the back of his shop."
"But boy oh boy, you should've seen his face!"
"There were no giggles going on for weeks!"
"What's that?"
"You're here about that?"
"Well, let me tell you about my problems with another doctor here in town."
"I'm a Toon of many jokes, and nobody's exempt from that."
"I quite frequently like to pull the legs of my colleagues as a result."
"But ever since then I've had a lot of altercations with Dr. Sensitive. She just can't take a joke!"
"She's a great Toon and I do feel bad, but I'm not a Toon that can undo a joke, and I can't face myself to say it to her."
"If you can talk to Dr. Sensitive for me and help me get back in her good graces, then I'll play nice and help my colleagues."

After returning from Dr. Sensitive

"Maybe just a little.."
"Do you think she'd like me?"
"You do!?"
"Can you help me ask her?"
"Here's what we'll do!"
"I wrote a letter a while back. It contains my apologies and a few other words about how I like her..."
"How I like her big mouse head, and seemingly well-functioning joints and stuff..."
"But I was way too nervous when walking over to her shop and a Double Talker snatched it out of my hands."
"I couldn't bring myself to get it back from them. If you could, can you find it and deliver it to her for me?"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

After recovering a love letter

"Oh, great! Let me just make sure they didn't smudge it up or anything."
""Dearest Ma Putrid, when I pass your shop, I always cherish the terrible smelling pie-covered gloves you air outside your window.""
"Oh NO! This isn't mine!! I'll have to write another one..."
"The only issue is I've ran out of ink..."
"Oh, I know! Professor Wiggle and I recently ended our long-lasting beef with each other."
"I had been dumping his ink deliveries in the pond for years! It was the best prank ever!"
"Go fish up some and I'll get this letter written up quickly when you get back. There has to be plenty there still."

After fishing up a supply of ink

"Perfect! Just the right kind."
""Dear Dr. Sensitive"..."
"Here you go! Please make sure this gets to her safely."

The Mysterious Duck

"Hi there, [Toon name]! Come for an adjustment?"
"No? That's alright, I can't help you!"
"JUST KIDDING! Once a jokester, always a jokester."
"What's up? You have a medical evaluation?"
"Uh, is this a joke?"
"Alright, alright. I think I know what's going on. Looks like Mr. Dribbles has a case of the Quackers."
"It's simple to cure, really. All you gotta do is teach him how to duck. That'll get him AND his back!"
"If you give him a reference to base off of, I'm sure he'll be cured in no time!"
"Good luck, [Toon Name]!"