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Travis is an NPC Toon located in the Toontown Central playground.


Travis is an orange cat who wears the Trashcat Outfit.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - Travis appears in the Trashcat Troubles sidetask and the Taking Out The Trash Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Trashcat Troubles

"Pssssst! Hey, [Toon Name], come ova' here."
"Okay, now here's da deal, [Toon Name]."
"Nobody really notices me too often but I'm all over da place."
"I pick up Cog parts, I eat your unwanted furniture, shoot I even take any extra Gags you have layin' around."
"But nobody appreciates me, y'know?"
"It's a darn shame, I'm always here 24/7 pickin' up trash, eatin' it, consumin' it, digestin' it, and I don't get a single tank you."
"And as far as I sees it, you're gonna help me get what I want for once, kapeesh?"
"Now I'm feelin' a bit peckish, and trash isn't quite hittin' da spot. So why don't you go fish me up one of dems Peanut Butter and Jellyfishes."
"Go on now, I'll be waitin' for ya's."

After fishing up a Peanut Butter & Jellyfish

"Ahh thank ya's, that'll really hit da spot."
"So here's da other ting."
"Eva' since I was just a lil' kitten I've been eatin' trash."
"Da Toon Council has me contracted to stay in dis trash can or to go around cleanin' up garbage to keep da place clean."
"But dis here trashcat wants a taste of da action too, y'know?"
"So to do so I needs a disguise. Sneezy Kitty should have just da ting. Head ova to his shop and pick me up one of dems disguises."

After returning from Sneezy Kitty

"Poifect! This'll do nicely."
"Now to be just like you's I gotta have me some gags as well."
"Bring me 5 of yer level 2 Gags so dat I'll be ready for dems Cogs."

After giving Travis 5 level 2 Gags

"Great, this is poifect. This will work."
"Tanks [Toon Name], you really help a pal out."
"Say, why don't you have a word with da bossman for me while you're at it?"
"Put in a good word fuh me."

After returning from Flippy

"Woah woah woah kid, take it easy."
"Okay yeah, I admit it's true, I just wanted some grub."
"And maybe a beard to look a little more fancy once in a while."
"But I can pay you's back, I promise."
"I just gotta eh.. find sometin' here to eh.. give you's."
"Ah ha! My old clothes, poifect."
"Thank you's for a lovely lunch, I'll send a pair of my old clothes through da mail."
"Don't look at me like dat, in return I'll keep eatin' your trash and takin' care of everyone's unwanted tings. It's a fair deal kid, kapeesh?"
"Thanks, [Toon Name]. See you's around!"

Taking Out The Trash

"Wow, rude."
"Not every trash-cat has a stench, ya know!"
"You's got the wrong Toon! I went ta' the dump yesterday! See? Take a sniff! I smell fine!"
"...Okay, so maybe I'm still smelly, but the putrid haze ain't me!"
"Toons have been complaining about the stench on Wacky Way all week. Why don't you head over to Green Eggs and Spam?"

Mezzo Melodyland - Travis appears in the What's That Sound? sidetask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

What's That Sound?

"Well, well, well. What gives me da' pleashya' of talkin' to ya's?"
"Cotton balls, eh? Yeah I got dems still."
"They're not too tasty, I'll tells ya!"
"Take 'em. They're yours."
"By da' way, your head seems ta' be gettin' a lil' big there, kid."
"Might wanna deal widdat soon!"
"Back to cleanin' up da' trash I go!"

Misc. Appearances

  • Travis appears in the Tidying up Toontown blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Travis appears in the Outback To The Basics blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Leading up to the Toonsmas 2020 event, numerous letters to Santa Paws from Toons around Toontown were shown off on the Corporate Clash Twitter. One of these letters was written by Travis.
  • Travis appears in a short comic posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter.


Theme Audio File
Travis' Theme


  • Travis used to be located right next to the Loopy Lane tunnel before being pushed back into the nearby corner at some point.
  • Travis used to have green gloves until they were removed at some point.
    • His title also used to be "Resident Trash Cat" but was later shortened to just "Trash Cat."
