Santa Paws
Santa Paws is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in You Sleigh Me located on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.
Santa Paws is a red dog who wears the Present Delivery Hat, the Present Uniform shirt, and Scarecrow Shorts.
Story Appearances
Event Tasks - Santa Paws appears in the Toonsmas task: Elf Enrollment. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Huh? OH, Hi there."
"Sorry, I was spacing out just a bit. What can I help you with?"
"Ha, no silly. I'm not Santa."
"Santa wears that red suit and hat, right?"
"Mine's clearly different, see?"
"Obviously not Santa. No way."
"E.L.F Enrollment Uniform?"
"Ooookayyy... you got me."
"But you're going to have to work for it, cause I'm a tired puppy!"
"Let sleeping Santa's lie!"
"First, you have to prove you're Elf enough!"
"Take down some Cogs, and then come back to me."
After defeating 15 Cogs
"Fair enough. You've passed that test."
"But how do you fare when you have to handle the task of delivering fruit to a certain Santa?"
"Listen, I have to eat everyone's cookies and milk they leave out each year."
"Look at me."
"I could use some fruit!"
"Bring me some, and show Santa that you're totally ELF ENOUGH!"
After collecting 5 Pineapples
"That fruit looks great!"
"You look different."
"You're not one of those goblins in disguise, are you?"
"Or one of those..."
"Okay, good. Just checking!"
"I was just waiting to hear something along the lines of..."
"Hello there me ol' chum!"
"Crazy, right?"
"Anyways, your last test is to get the suit back."
"I, uh..."
"Used my last uniform as streamers on my sleigh, and it blew right off!"
"I knew I should've double-knotted it!"
"I think it must've landed somewhere in Toonseltown. You should be able to find it!"
"Then report to St. Bernard. He's my head elf!"
"Good luck!"
Misc. Appearances
- Leading up to the Toonsmas 2020 event, numerous letters to Santa Paws from Toons around Toontown were shown off on the Corporate Clash Twitter. These letters are from the following characters:
- Santa Paws is mentioned in the Have A Holly, Jolly Toonsmas! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
- Santa Paws is mentioned in the We Wish You A Merry Toonsmas! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
- Santa Paws speaks in the Another Very Merry Toonsmas! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
- Santa Paws appears in the A Letter From Santa Paws blog post on the Corporate Clash website.