Professor Pete

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Professor Pete is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toontown School House located in the Toontown Central playground.


Professor Pete is a blue cat who wears a yellow Plain shirt and tan High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Professor Pete appears in the following task: Welcome to Toontown! Additionally, Professor Pete also appears in the Pete's Apology sidetask and the Brainiacs in the Basement Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Welcome to Toontown!

"Sure thing, Lord Lowden Clear! Could you set things up in the training room?"

Lord Lowden Clear replies, then leaves the room

"Hey there, friend! Let's get the simple stuff out of the way. You can move your Toon with the MOVEMENT keys! The default buttons are W, A, S and D."

Toon uses MOVEMENT keys

"Alright, now try JUMPING! The default button is SPACE BAR!"

Toon jumps

"Looking good! Speaking of looking, you can rotate your camera by holding RIGHT CLICK. You can even combine it with movement!"

Toon rotates camera

"To really get moving, try SPRINTING! The default button for it is SHIFT!"

Toon sprints

"Mess around as much as you want, then come up to me when you're ready to continue."

After talking to Professor Pete again

"Great job! Welcome to Toontown, a place full of laughter and fun!"
"Well... that's the idea at least."
"Lowden will be able to explain our situation better than I can, though."
"Speaking of, he should be ready for you by now!"
"Go ahead and check out the training room!"

After completing training with Lord Lowden Clear

"Welcome back! I take it that training went well?"
"Well, I have a few welcome gifts for you! They do require some explanation, though."
"This is your Shtickerbook! It contains all sorts of handy tools to help you around Toontown. Go ahead and open it!"

After opening the Shtickerbook

"This is the Districts page. Each District is a copy of Toontown. If you want to meet up with friends, make sure you're in the same District!"
"Let's continue to the next page, shall we?"

After clicking to the next page

"This is the Map page, where you can view the entirety of Toontown! Some parts of town are covered by clouds, but they will become visible once you've visited them!"
"The 'Go Home' button will take you to your own Toon estate, while the 'Minigames' button will take you to the Minigames area! The 'Playground' button takes you to the nearest playground."
"That's everything for the map page, let's continue to the next one."

After clicking to the next page

"This is your ToonTasks page. Here, you can see everything you're assigned to do around Toontown! Oh look, you have one right now!"
"Looks like Mayor Flippy wants to see you in the Toon Hall after this. Let's hurry onto the next page then!"

After clicking to the next page

"This is the Items and Codes section, here is where you can customize your Toon!"
"Let's continue to the Clothing tab of the page."

After clicking the Clothing tab

"This is your Toon's wardrobe! It's pretty empty right now since you just got here, but there are many ways to expand your fashion!"
"You look Toontastic right now regardless! Let's continue to the next page."

After clicking to the next page

"Now, this is your Cog Gallery. We don't have much information on the Cogs right now, so you'll have to fill this out as you encounter them."
"There are lots of other useful pages in the Shtickerbook, so make sure to check them out when you get the chance!"
"Go ahead and close the Shtickerbook now."

After closing the Shtickerbook

"Has everything I said made sense?"
"Cat got your tongue?"
"Oh, you must now know how to speak with SpeedChat yet!"
"Click the SpeedChat button on the far left to say something to me!"

After using SpeedChat

"Great job!"
"By the way, you aren't locked to just these phrases. You can expand the Chat Panel to freely type what you'd like and see what others are saying."
"Oh, and one more thing..."
"Here you go!"
"This is the Experi-o-Meter, where the experience you earn from doing activities around town goes!"
"Your level will increase as you gain more experience."
"This unlocks all kinds of cool things, like Training Points, increased Gag storage, and increased Laff!"
"That's all from me! Flippy wants to see you in Toon Hall, so head there first!"

Pete's Apology

"Oh, [Toon Name]! You're here, that's great."
"I was just thinking about you."
"I was feeling a bit bad for the strange behavior from the Desk Jockeys during your training..."
"Lowden was not pleased, to say the least."
"So I wanted to make it up to you by teaching you about something the Toon Council enables us to do from time to time."
"They don't exactly LET us do it, per say..."
"But if you learn how to do it, it's quite simple to teach to other Toons. And that's what I'm going to do in order to help you out."
"It's called Teleport Access!"
"Ever since some very smart minds invented the portable hole, we've been using it to travel alllll over."
"And if you learn how to handle the portable holes in just the right way, you can teleport to just about any place you'd like!"
"I'm breaking the rules a bit here, as we're not supposed to share the knowledge around, but I'd be willing to teach you, if you help me!"
"It'll allow you to teleport directly here to Toontown Central anytime you'd like!"
"You might even be able to find some other Toons willing to bend the rules a bit if you ever visit some new places."
"How does that sound?"
"Great! Let's get to work then."
"First thing's first. You need to have a good throwing arm to toss the portable hole with enough force to dial it in."
"I want you to defeat some Cogs using your Gags you've selected here in Toontown Central. Work those arms up, and come back when you're done training!"

After defeating 10 Cogs

"Feeling the burn yet?"
"Good. Now, let's move onto the next step of your portable hole training."
"Next is the legs. You can't skip leg day, even in Toontown."
"I want you to go and get some gears for me to use as leg weights."
"And not the ones from those scrawny weak Cogs, try for the stronger ones around here."
"Let me know when you've got them!"

After recovering 2 Heavy Cog Gears

"Excellent, these gears will work nicely."
"Now, just hand over the straps I had you collect so that we can secure them in place."
"I didn't ask for the straps?"
"Gah, I'm really sorry, [Toon Name]. I keep making mistakes..."
"I need straps to secure them safely to your legs!"
"We can't just let you jump around and let them crush your poor little digits!"
"Some mechanical belts were what I had in mind."
"Again, from those strong kinds of Cogs roaming around town."
"I promise that's the last step!"

After collecting mechanical belts

"Perfect! You've done great work."
"So it's simple, just train with these gears, and you'll be able to jump high enough to fall straight through and into Toontown Central."
"Just remember. The force of throwing it down, jumping high enough, and focusing on Toontown Central."
"As a bonafide professor, I'm sure you've learned what it takes."
"Congratulations, [Toon Name]. You've learned how to teleport straight here to Toontown Central!"
"Now, time to get working on fixing those Jockeys..."
"Have fun around town!"

Brainiacs in the Basement

"Ahh-um, hey there, [Toon Name]!!"
"Wha-what's with the jumpiness, you say?"
"Well, I'll have you know, I am a totally normal amount of jumpy right now!"
"Umm... I guess there's no use hiding stuff from you, is there? Especially if Toon HQ sent you."
"Well, you see, [Toon Name], I've been hearing spooky noises from nearby."
"Spooky noises of the Cog variety, you know?"
"I heard from the Toon Resistance that there were reports of a Cog having infiltrated the playground..."
"Some were saying that they were trying to infiltrate this very institution!"
"And right as I was planning for my new classes to start, as well..."
"Anyways, I was looking through some books at the library, and I think I might know a way to find it."
"I discovered that a Cog's internal radar unit can help locate other nearby Cogs pretty accurately."
"I bet if you took out a fairly strong Cog, you could grab its radar unit to figure this out."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

After recovering A Cog Radar Unit

"Oh, did you manage to get it, [Toon Name]?"
"That's great! Hand it over and I'll get right to work."
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Well, what do you mean, of course I know how to operate this thing!!"
"Okay, fine, I actually have no clue how to operate this thing."
"But, if it's any consolation, I do know someone that would!"
"You remember Louise Connection, right? I heard you helped her set up the Toonigraph system."
"She's located on Toon Mobile Wireless on Wacky Way, in case you've forgotten."
"Surely she would know how to work a complicated and scary-looking piece of machinery like this."

After returning from Louise Connection

"Well, what'd you find out, [Toon Name]??"
"A-a-are you KIDDING ME?? Right underneath the schoolhouse?!?"
"Well um... yes, I do have a basement here, but I've never really been down there!!"
"It's too scary down there!"
"Well, now it's REALLY too scary, knowing that there's a powerful Cog down there!"
"Ahem, what's that? You'll take care of the problem?"
"Oh, well I wish you the best of luck with that!!"
"I'd love to help but... ummm... I've got so many papers to grade, you see!!"
"Regardless, I'm sure if anyone can do it, it's you, after all."
"You've been such a help around here in Toontown Central, so I believe in you!"
"Now go get 'em! And let me know when I don't have to cower in fear anymore!"

After defeating the Prethinker

"Wow, you actually managed to do it, huh?"
"Well, tell me about how the encounter went!"
"Hmm, so he acted like a total know-it-all, huh?"
"And he demanded a rematch?! I- I hope that doesn't mean he'll be returning..."
"Well, if he was living down there all this time and didn't do anything, maybe he really is harmless."
"As long as he isn't bothering my students, everything should be fine!"
"Well, I suppose I should be rewarding you now, right?"
"You've been such a massive help, so it's only fair!"

Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Professor Pete appears in the following task: Pete's Onto Something... His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Pete's Onto Something...

"Good to see you again after so long, [Toon Name]!"
"So, let's cut to the chase, we both know you have valuable insight on your mind. Let's hear it."
"Yes, that's quite interesting."
"Your knowledge in combination with my own research and the wealth of information the Toon Resistance has provided me has given me an idea."
"Metal framing. I need you to get me a metal framing from each department of Cog."
"It doesn't matter where, but I need to examine them. Right away."
"Be quick, I'll be waiting!"

After collecting metal framing

"Yes, these will work perfectly. Now let's take a closer look."
"Absolutely wonderful, just what I thought!"
"This Sellbot frame here, it's so bendable and meldable, way easier than any other part here."
"My hypothesis states that these Sellbot suits are fundamentally flawed due to their inherent lifestyle."
"They're always cutting costs where they can, in turn producing low-grade metal framing."
"This is where we need to strike, and strike now!"
"Report back to Flippy, tell him we need to attack the Sellbots right away!"

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Professor Pete appears in the following task: To Catch a Cashbot. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

To Catch a Cashbot

"Welcome back, [Toon Name]. Always a pleasure to see you around these parts. What can I help you with?"
"Cashbots? Well, I certainly can give a recommendation... Especially after reviewing the parts you retrieved for me a while back."
"From what I've seen, I have to say it seems Cashbots are the most logical target after Sellbots, as their entire motive is to produce cash, and fast."
"Now don't get me wrong, these Cogs certainly are tougher, they don't skimp out on materials as much as the Sellbots do, but it's possible..."
"I've heard of your tactics you devised with Coach Zucchini, and my advice for you would be to do more of the same."
"Infiltrate their headquarters, stay safe, and recover any pristine Cashbot parts you can, even if it's materials. We will figure this out."
"Work with Moe Zart to obtain these pieces until you have a full suit, that way anything you do inside that headquarters can be conducted in a safe manner."
"Good luck, and feel free to come back again for more advice. I'm always more than glad to assist you, [Toon Name]."

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Professor Pete appears in the following task: But Wait, There's More? His dialogue during this task is as follows:

But Wait, There's More?

"Psst! [Toon Name]! Listen closely."
"Flippy doesn't want me to mention any word of this, but they need someone like you to help."
"Who's they?"
"You'll see."
"I've gotten word from them that something really fishy has been going on lately with the Cogs."
"I want you to go see them about this."
"Just trust me on this, [Toon Name]. They're a trusted source of mine."
"A team that's been under wraps for a long time."
"Now listen closely."
"They have an undercover building in Drowsy Dreamland. I want you to go see them."
"Their shop is Dimm Nightlights - Scientifically Proven!"
"Inside you'll find Doctor Dimm."
"He won't know you're coming, so tell him I sent you."
"If he doesn't believe you, just say the words Loony Labs. You'll get his attention."
"Now go, and don't let anyone know I told you!"

Event Tasks - Professor Pete appears in the Toonsmas task: Baked Goods His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Baked Goods

"[Toon Name]! What a fine time to see you again. What can I help you with?"
"Baking soda?"
"You haven't been hiking deep in the mountains anytime recently, have you?"
"Listen, [Toon Name], we don't want word of Toonseltown being spread around, last thing we want is..."
"They're allowing visitors?"
"Oh, well... I guess that's alright. Times sure have changed."
"I can make it happen, but you're going to have to get salty."
"That's right. Let the salt flow."
"Bossbots. Those Cogs are the saltiest in Toontown."
"If you can bring me some containers of salt extracted from those salty Bossbots, then I'll get plenty of baking soda prepared."
"See you shortly!"

After collecting salt

"You look salty."
"Ok, jokes aside, I got the processing down to whip up this baking soda."
"Jen Jerbread has been a visitor nearly every year getting some, so I've had plenty of time to get experience!"
"Alright, here you go. Tell them I said hi! And enjoy the sleigh ride back!"

Misc. Appearances

  • Leading up to the Toonsmas 2020 event, numerous letters to Santa Paws from Toons around Toontown were shown off on the Corporate Clash Twitter. One of these letters was written by Professor Pete.
  • Professor Pete appears in a short comic posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter.

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Professor Pete has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "When will you be coming back to class?"
  • "If you have any questions about those Cogs, I will try to help in any way I can!"
  • "Did you know using Gags effectively requires some math?"
  • "Expand your mind, [Toon Name]!"


  • Prior to v1.3.0, Professor Pete could be obtained as a 5 Star Restock All SOS Card from the V.P. Battle. With v1.3.0's release Professor Pete was removed from the game and rerolled into usable IOUs.
    • In earlier versions of the game, if Professor Pete was called to restock the player's Gags he could actually take away all of their Gags if they had an empty preset. This was later changed so that Pete would also attempt to give players Gags based on the strongest Gags they're missing as well.