Jen Jerbread

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Jen Jerbread is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Bakery located in Toonseltown.


Jen Jerbread is a coral monkey who wears the Gingerbread outfit.

Story Appearances

Event Tasks - Jen Jerbread appears in the Toonsmas tasks: Baked Goods, Candy Maker, and Stocking Stuffers. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Baked Goods

"Why hello!"
"You've shown up at a very exciting time!"
"We're about to celebrate the most special time of year here in Toonseltown!"
"It seems like everyone's a bit frantic lately, however."
"I know I've been stressing out like a gingerbread man dipped in milk..."
"While you're here, could you help me prepare for the yearly celebrations?"
"If you do, I'll whip something up for you!"
"Oh, thank you!"
"I'm working on a batch of my Toonseltown-famous gingerbread!"
"But I'm at a bit of shortage on ingredients, and St. Bernard isn't exactly willing to fly me around on Santa's sleigh very often..."
"If you could bring me something I can use to substitute the sugar and butter, I'd be so grateful!"

After collecting 10 Treasures in Toontown Central

"Would you look at that! That'll work perfectly for my gingerbread."
"You must've gone quite a ways away to find something like this."
"You're not from around here, are you, [Toon Name]?"
"Ha! I thought so!"
"Well welcome to Toonseltown."
"I'll give you a little secret, [Toon Name]. I'm not really supposed to mention it, but..."
"Toonseltown is actually a secluded place far off in the snow mountains of The Brrrgh!"
"Santa himself flew here on his sleigh and settled this area for his yearly celebrations."
"Anyways, I'll tell you more later. Now I need some eggs. Those are very important!"
"There surely must be some place to find them."

After collecting 10 Eggs from Magnates

"Marvelous! I can taste the gingerbread already!"
"Wait, you got these from a Cog?"
"I'm not going to ask any questions..."
"So, Santa must've finally allowed Toons to visit for the holidays, huh?"
"He's always expressed a fondness of the idea, but we were always busy preparing things year round!"
"It's gotten harder and harder to collect resources for each year by only sleigh with the Cogs invading, however."
"So I must assume that's why you're here! To help and celebrate!"
"Next ingredient needed is baking soda. I don't think any Cog carries it around, but I do know of a Toon that could help."
"Find Professor Pete. He's visited in the past and has brought me baking soda. He'd help, I'm sure!"

After visiting Professor Pete

"That Professor Pete is just a darling, thank you guys!"
"The one last thing I need for the ingredients is my special addition!"
"It's what makes my gingerbread so magical!"
"I need you to step out, and collect some snow for me."
"Yes, that's right! I use snow!"
"Just make sure it's the pure white stuff! We don't want any yellow!"

After collecting 10 Snowballs

"Oh thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"And they're only slightly melted!"
"This is shaping up to be a wonderful celebration!"
"I'm going to go whip you up something right away!"
"Check your mail, it'll be sent there quickly through sleigh-mail!"
"Thank you again, and happy holidays!"

Candy Maker

"[Toon Name]! What a joy it is to see you."
"I've got something in the works. Candy canes!"
"Do you wanna help? I'll give you a present!"
"So I need some simple ingredients to start."
"Starch, sugar, and water."
"Starch I can get from breaking down acorns."
"Sugar I can get from reducing ice cream."
"And I'd need some of the freshest water in Toontown to mix it together."
"Here, you can have this container. Fill it up at some nice pond."
"Don't worry, I'll boil it before using it!"
"Think you can handle it?"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"

After collecting all 3 things

"Thank you! These are excellent quality."
"Now, I'll need some red coloring. Something naturally sweet."
"Red jellybeans!"
"If you can bring me enough, I can toss them into the mix here!"

After delivering 100 Jellybeans to Jen Jerbread

"Aww, thank you."
"I'm sure it mustn't have been easy getting all those red jellybeans separated for me!"
"Now I just need some plastic wrap to keep them all nice, clean and ready to hand out!"
"I think Tightwads must have something that'd work. Why don't you see if you could get something for me?"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"

After recovering 5 Packages of Plastic Wrap from Tightwads

"This is great! I'm gonna wrap these candy canes up right away!"
"Oh, and for all your efforts, check your mail soon."
"I hope you enjoy what I whipped up for you!"
"See you around Toonseltown, [Toon Name]!"

Stocking Stuffers

"[Toon Name]! You caught me right in the middle of inventing new holiday treats!"
"I was going for the healthy arc for next year."
"Gingerbread and Candy Cane toothpaste. What do you think?"
"You'd have to try it out to truly understand this palette. So, what can I do for you?"
"Wellll, I'm not sure about a stocking, per se, but I have a long red and white sock!"
"Will that do?"
"Great! Here you go."
"If you ever need a holiday treat, you know where I am!"

Misc. Appearances

  • Leading up to the Toonsmas 2021 event, a letter from Jen Jerbread was shown off on the Corporate Clash twitter.