Coach Zucchini

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Coach Zucchini is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Squash and Stretch Gym located on Tulip Terrace in Daffodil Gardens.


Coach Zucchini is a yellow duck who wears a purple Plain shirt and red Shorts with Belt.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Coach Zucchini appears in the following tasks: The Zucchini, Reed's Needs, Stretch and Squash, Lima... Seen?, Enter The Big Scary Place, Secret Agent Toon, The Great Factory Haul, Whats Behind Door #1?, The Last Training, and The Great Market Crash. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

The Zucchini

"Hey there, [Toon Name]."
"Coach Zucchini at your service."
"You can call me Coach Z. for short."
"Welcome to the Squash and Stretch Gym!"
"This is the place to come to so you can become the roughest, toughest, Cog-fightingest Toon around."
"Now, I've been noticing some pretty poor Cog fighting around Toontown..."
"So I decided to start studying up everything I could about these Cogs roaming the streets, to train these Toons and whip them into shape."
"Now, you already know the most basic strategies, right?"
"Don't use Sound on Lured Cogs, don't double Trap, the essentials."
"Gah! Toons these days are just so raw with Cog fighting and proper strategies..."
"I'm surprised you've even made it as far as you have at this rate!"
"Okay, well, I'm entirely too busy to be training a Toon like you at this moment."
"I've got some extremely important business to conduct with some fellow Toons, and I can't be interrupted."
"If Flippy wants you to be useful here, talk to Resistance Ranger Rose in the playground HQ. She'll give you something to do for now."
"And learn proper gag choices while you're at it."
"Just don't go around using another one of the stinking kazoos on high level Cogs, please."

Reed's Needs

"Huh? What's this?"
"Oh, well, thank you for the clock, [Toon Name]."
"But now's really not the right time. I'm still waiting on a note delivery and it should really get here any second."
"I'll reach out to Rose soon for you to come back by later, however. Then we can start on some real work together."
"But for now just keep on doing what you're doing. I'll let you know when to come soon."
"Good luck!"

Stretch and Squash

"OH! [Toon Name]! You're here so soon!"
"I can explain..."
"My uh... training schedules have been all messed up due to all the extra work and unknown circumstances lately!"
"Ha ha, yeah..."
"Could you, uh..."
"Could you go see Detective Lima and get any notes he might have for me?"
"We've been researching uh..."
"Training methods, lately. Ha."
"I've been expecting him to drop by sometime today with his notes."
"So he must just be busy looking over another case about missing donuts again."
"His shop's the Spill The Beans Detective Agency just next door. Just try to be quick if you can."

Lima... Seen?

"Oh heavens, this is really, REALLY bad news..."
"Here's the deal, [Toon Name]. You've probably seen it, there's no hiding the giant Cog outpost just around the corner of my shop."
"I've been trying to keep Toons away from it as long as possible while I work closely with Lima to conduct research on this outpost..."
"It was our belief that it'd lead to us finding the path forward to striking these Cogs effectively."
"But I think... he may have been captured."
"And this might be crazy, but I need you to help me just the same way Lima did."
"I need you to head inside that headquarters."
"We need to find out what's lurking inside and just what may have happened to Detective Lima."
"Especially before it happens to anyone else!"
"With me having postponed everything waiting for his research, I can't go myself."
"I have to train Toons, and I have to watch over Daffodil Gardens!"
"Get your gags in order and head inside that headquarters. Come back as fast as you can."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

Enter The Big Scary Place

"Tell me everything you saw."
"No... It's exactly what I feared..."
"An area completely devoid of any happiness, smog filled skies, no tooniness in sight..."
"This isn't good, and to add to it, this proves my theory."
"One of the Resistance Rangers has gone missing."
"I've heard it's someone you've saved once before."
"Anyway, I have a hunch that this is where they've been taken."
"I need you to go back in, defeat a few Cogs inside and see if you can extract any important information inside."
"I'll be here, [Toon Name]."

Secret Agent Toon

"This information you've brought to me appears to be in the form of memos..."
"There are a few here that say some interesting things."
""The ongoing Resistance Ranger Roundup' operation had been a success thus far.""
""Acquired Toons will be held at the top of Sellbot Towers with the Vice President.""
"I see... So they were, in fact, the ones responsible for Rain's disappearance."
"However, that Vice President... doesn't sound good."
"If we're going to get inside there, we'll have to disguise you."
"I need you to look around this HQ and find what's inside, but be very careful."
"I will await your return."

After investigating the Sellbot HQ Factory Exterior

"The Sellbot Factory!?"
"This is it, [Toon Name]. This is where the heart of the Sellbot's production must be!"
"I need you to go inside that factory, and pilfer parts of their production line."
"We can use those parts to disguise you!"
"We just need you to get enough parts from the Sellbot Factory until you have a full suit."
"This is it, [Toon Name]. Be careful, and team up with any Toons you can find."
"Use your wise battling strategy, and defeat the factory while grabbing a part each time you pass through."
"Don't stop until you have a full disguise ready. We've got to save Resistance Ranger Rain, and Lima!"

The Great Factory Haul

"You've done it, [Toon Name]!"
"You finished your Sellbot disguise!"
"With this you'll be able to enter and see what's lurking behind those doors!!"
"This is perfect. You can enter the VP's lobby and investigate things, maybe you'll even find Detective Lima!"
"First let's have you step inside, be careful. Inspect inside and tell me everything you see."
"Come back as soon as you can. Good luck."

Whats Behind Door #1?

"Slow down there, [Toon Name]... What did you see?"
"Dull, gray, and a huge elevator?"
"This is just what I expected... This is awful, TERRIBLE news."
"Word's gotten out about Rain and Lima, and Toons all over are flooding in to try and save them."
"These Cogs are tougher than anything we've seen yet, we need to put a stop to this as soon as possible!"
"But I fear the Vice President's strength. I need to be sure you're ready, as a coach, and as a friend."
"I want you to train. It's a force of habit. I need you to be ready to take on these Cogs."
"Defeat a strong building, and then come back to me. If you're ready I'll guide you along the next steps."

The Last Training

"Do you feel you're ready?"
"Take a step back, and assure yourself."
"I want you to have gained enough experience in your gag tracks."
"If you think you're ready, speak to me again, and I'll send you into that elevator."

After delivering 2 Level 5 Gags

"You are ready. You're strong, you're prepared, and you're primed for the fight."
"Go, find any Toons you can and board that elevator. Ride it to the top with as many as possible and take down the Vice President."
"Put a stop to this roundup operation. For the good of Toontown."
"Find Lima. I'm counting on you."
"I wish only the best of luck to you."
"I will be hoping you return."

The Great Market Crash

"You're back!!"
"Did you do it?"
"Is... the Vice President gone?"
"But the headquarters still stand."
"This must mean... that the Vice President isn't truly gone."
"You said the Cogs mentioned promotions?"
"Perhaps they promote the next Sellbot in line..."
"Unless they've repaired the Vice President as we speak..."
"The battle isn't over, for now."
"But thank you for equipping us with the knowledge to invade this headquarters."
"Did you find Lima, by chance?"
"Well, he must be in there... somewhere..."
"I hope..."
"Still, thank you. From here I'll continue to train Toons to invade the factory."
"Getting Toons everywhere to build their disguises and to take down the Vice President."
"So we can keep Toons like Rain safe from their cages."
"But Lima..."
"Anyways, thank you. From here your help is better equipped in another part of Toontown, so I've heard."
"Flippy's sent the word out to me that he needs to see you as soon as he can."
"I figure I can handle this from here, I'll bring up any Toon I can to keep this fight going. Maybe we can even organize a full-on strike someday."
"Good luck to you out there, and thank you for helping me, the officers, and the Toons of Daffodil Gardens."
"You're always welcome in the Gardens anytime you'd like."
"I'll see you around, [Toon Name]."

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Coach Zucchini has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Here at the Squash & Stretch, we toughen your knowledge in Sellbots!"
  • "Remember not to use Sound on Lured Cogs."
  • "Be sure to have strong Gags in a fight. Or else."
  • "Any news about Lima? No?"


  • Many of Coach Zucchini's quips and jokes are a reference to a Youtuber with the same name, who is known for making advice videos and tutorials in the early days of Toontown Online.
