Rose (Resistance Ranger)

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Rose is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Daffodil Gardens playground.


Rose is a purple rabbit who wears the Resistance Ranger outfit.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Rose appears in the following tasks: The Rose, Wilted Sunflowers, Where the Grass Grows..., and Rose's Words. Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

The Rose

"Why, hello there!"
"Let me introduce myself. I'm Resistance Ranger Rose, Head officer for all Daffodil Gardens' HQs alike!"
"What may I help you with?"
"Coach Z. sent you here? Rather rude and busy?"
"My apologies, he's certainly been a bit busy as of late. All he's mentioned to me lately was that he was dealing with classified work."
"But as a matter of fact, Coach Z. came down here not too long ago..."
"He asked us to sort all of our issues in a specific format, wanting us to be organized."
"He seemed rather stern about it."
"It caused a bit of unfortunate drama here as well."
"Reed here used to be head officer, until he was annoyed with having to sort everything and upset Coach Z..."
"Coach demoted him on the spot and promoted me, and mumbled something about "being seeeelfish" on his way out."
"Either way, it's gotten things a bit tense at times here, but we're working it out."
"Anyways, you're here to help us, right?"
"That's perfect, you can help us for a bit until Coach has the time to see you!"
"I've got an easy one for you to start. Sofie Squirt is a wonderful shopkeeper who operates her shop The Squirting Flower over on Daisy Drive."
"She loves squirting flowers, and is one of the biggest providers of them for gag shops."
"But for some unforeseen reason, the Cogs stormed her shop and took her squirting flowers..."
"If you can run on over and help her, you'd be doing a great favor to us and all squirting flowers alike!"
"Good luck!"

Wilted Sunflowers

"Great job helping Sofie! But now let me talk about another issue we're having here."
"Law N. Mower has been constantly filing requests for a permit to expand his building."
"Despite the fact that we keep telling him there's no such thing as a building expansion permit."
"Every day is something new, and he words it slightly different each time like it'll make something magically happen..."
""Building size increase permit", "Building go big big permit", "Building size equals greater than current size permit"..."
"It drives us nuts!"
"Could you please go talk to him about it?"
"His shop is Mow Jellybeans Mow Problems Lawyer's Agency on Sunflower Street."
"And if he asks you about any permits, just tell him they don't exist."
"Good luck!"

Where the Grass Grows...

"Welcome back, [Toon Name]! I hope you solved all those permit issues."
"We started to get so many that it was a wonder what to even do with them."
"As it turns out, Ash here actually worked part-time with Patty Papercut over in Toontown Central. We had paper airplanes flying all around!"
"We even had a competition, and I won! But Reed got a bit salty and stomped on all of them..."
"But then we had a crumpled up paper throwing competitions without him, just to tease him."
"Anyways, thank you for your help!"
"In fact, let me have you speak with Ash now, he'll work with you on a few issues around the playground."
"Thanks again!"

Rose's Words

"Hey there, [Toon Name]!"
"Coach just left a message saying he's ready to see you now, so I just want to wish you luck and to let you head on over!"
"Come back anytime you want!"


  • Rose is one of the few NPCs across Toontown to have fellow NPCs with the exact same name. The first Rose can be found in Flower Bed and Breakfast on Tulip Terrace. The second Rose can be found near the Fishing pond on Tulip Terrace.
    • Coincidentally, all three of these Toons can be found in Daffodil Gardens.