Reed (Resistance Ranger)

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Reed is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Daffodil Gardens playground.


Reed is a sea green duck who wears the Resistance Ranger outfit.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Reed appears in the following tasks: Not So Vine..., Hard to Reed, and Reed's Needs. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Not So Vine...

"Huh? Oh, hey there, [Toon Name]."
"You're here to help me, right?"
"Listen, here's the deal."
"Ever since Coach Z's been undergoing all this extra "work" lately he's been putting a lot of stuff onto my plate."
"Now naturally I like to help Toons out just as much as anyone, but I need a life too!"
"So I recently had my fill and got into a tiny argument with him."
"Which then lead to him pointing out a few of my flaws and calling them "EPIC FAILS!!!.""
"Then he had the nerve to demote me and promote Rose to Resistance Ranger and the head officer of the headquarters here."
"So you know what? You're going to help ME."
"So the first thing is I've been given a daily quota of Cogs to defeat."
"But that's not such a big deal, Toons are all over the place making up for that."
"And it's like, why can't we just make friends with them anyways?"
"You know what, go and find out for me. Go try and add one of them as a friend. Why not?"

Hard to Reed

"What'd they say?"
"Weird, I almost expected a different answer."
"Well, just go defeat a few for me. That'll take care of my quota."
"Hurry up!"

Reed's Needs

"Great! Now we got that out of the way."
"So next I need you to do some errands for me, since I can't leave this desk until my shift's over."
"I want you to take this commemorative Resistance Ranger pin they gave me for being on the team for so long."
"I don't really care much for it."
"So I want you to take it down to Pamela Puddle at Take It or Leaf It Pawn Shop on Daisy Drive."
"Just bring me back whatever you can get for it, that'll work for me."

After returning from Pamela Puddle

"OH COME ON, [Toon Name]!"
"Well, I guess the lint's kind of colorful..."
"Fine. Next errand."
"We're going to get back at little Mr. Coach Zucchini."
"You see, he loves taking up my time, while using his own time doing some "extra work", as he calls it."
"So what I want you to do is to go over to Shoshanna Sap at Pine Needle Crafts on Petunia Place and have her construct a clock."
"I want you to hand deliver it to the coach yourself, as a present from the both of us for taking up all our time."
"This is gonna be good. I can't wait!"

After returning from Shoshanna Sap

"Wow, it's almost a shame. This clock is so nice that I almost don't wanna give it up."
"Eh, he deserves it after all the time he's taken."
"Go ahead, [Toon Name]. Lay it on him."
"Let me know how it goes!"

After returning from Coach Zucchini

"How'd it go?"
"Ah yeah! We totally got him!"
"Okay, so, I was waiting to see if you're legit, and you came through with our little prank."
"I need you to do one last big favor for me."
"I... need you to get my blankie back."
"Don't laugh, please."
"It's my favorite. I've cuddled with it for years!"
"One day I was strolling along the street with my blankie in hand when one of those ugly Shark Watchers came and snatched it right up out of my hand."
"They said it'd make a nice handkerchief..."
"You gotta get it back for me, I'll do anything!"
"I'll even... work on my tasks again and be productive..."
"Just please, go get my blankie back."

After recovering Reed's Blankie from a Shark Watcher

"Thank you!!!"
"And I don't even think I see a single bit of robot boogers anywhere! This is a great day!"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]. You've really turned my mood around. You're a big help."
"I'm gonna take this as my inspiration for finally fulfilling my workload. Count me back in!"
"Now if you'll excuse me, I got to attend to my tasks!"
"Oh, and Rose told me she wants to speak with you once you dropped by, so go ahead and speak with her."
"I bed it's about helping Coach Zucchini, so good luck on that one!"
"See you around!"


  • Reed is one of the few NPCs across Toontown to have a fellow NPC with the exact same name. This other Reed can be found located near the fishing pond on Seaweed Street in Barnacle Boatyard.