Shoshanna Sap

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Shoshanna Sap is an NPC Toon who takes up residence at Pine Needle Crafts located on Petunia Place in Daffodil Gardens.


Shoshanna Sap is a lavender monkey who wears a light blue Flower Stripe shirt and citrine Flower shorts.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Shoshanna Sap appears in the following task: Reed's Needs. Her dialogue during this tasks is as follows:

Reed's Needs

"Hi there! If you need some crafts done, you've come to the right place!"
"And before you ask, if you need a birdhouse, just say so and I'll get one from the back."
"Toons come in here all the time asking for once and then never come back to pick it up, for some reason."
"In fact I had an order recently that I thought for sure would be picked up, paid and all, but I haven't seen anything yet."
"Anyways, what can I help you with?"
"Crafting a clock, huh?"
"I'm no stranger to making clocks, so I think I can make it work!"
"Lucky for you, I went out scraping up random items I could find for arts and crafts."
"I think some of these acorns and other various items I have could make a great outer casing!"
"All I'd need really is all the gears and innerworkings! Which I'm sure you can nab from those pesky Cogs roaming around."
"Bring those back and I'll pop it all in for you!"

After recovering some clock parts

"And voila! Your clock is complete."
"And if the hands start spinning wildly out of control, just ignore it. It doesn't mean anything is coming any faster than usual."
"May you enjoy your time with it."

Lawbot HQ - In the Lawbot HQ directives Shoshanna Sap appears in the following directive: Needle Nonsense. Her dialogue during this directive is as follows:

Needle Nonsense

"Hi there! If you are here for help with crafts, you came to the right place!"
"I have everything you'll ever need! Pine needles, thistle needles, knitting needles... a lot of needles."
"You need knitting needles? I would be happy to oblige. However, I would have to ask a favor of you."
"Why the sigh? Is this a recurring theme for you or something?"
"It's fine? You're sure? If you insist."
"As of late, there has been a sharp increase in Lawbots in Toontown. Especially here on Petunia Place."
"I can get you all the needles in the world, but I need you to go try and take down some Lawbots."
"I would start with some of their buildings, especially the tall ones."

After defeating a 6 Story Lawbot Building

"Back so soon? How did it go?"
"You took one down? A tall one?"
"However, I haven't noticed any changes, I think you need to do more..."
"I'll need you to take down something bigger."
"Don't the Lawbots have those massive buildings in their HQ? Maybe try to infiltrate the tallest of those."
"Good luck!"

After defeating a Lawfice

"Were you able to do it?"
"You got into the biggest one?"
"Incredible work!"
"I have noticed a slight decrease in some of the bigger Lawbots around here recently, so it must have worked!"
"Here are the needles you asked for!"
"Yes, I'm sure they are knitting needles."
"Yes, of course, they are clean, why wouldn't they be?"
"Alright, glad I could help!"