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Ash is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Daffodil Gardens playground.


Ash is a brown rabbit who wears an aqua Plain shirt and orange High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Ash appears in the following tasks: Ketchum?, Bert., and Never Out Of Style. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:


"Hey howdy! Welcome to the Daffodil Garden's HQ!"
"If we're going to be working together for a bit, let me introduce myself."
"I'm Ash, a Toon that loves fun and I'm a bit of a traveller."
"I bounce around from place to place, having worked part-time making paper airplanes..."
"Waterboy delivering glasses of water to Professor Pete, and the list goes on and on."
"But for now I've settled down in solving tasks here for the Toons of Daffodil Gardens! Not a bad job at all!"
"Speaking of fun, let me send you over to a pal of mine that's just the most fun you could ask for!"
"His name's Bert!"
"He likes dirt."
"Go visit him! His shop is Bert's Dirt on Daisy Drive."
"Have fun!"


"See! Isn't he just the best?"
"Gosh, I sure love that Bert."
"Okay, okay, slow down..."
"I'll help you find the dirt so you can have real fun with Bert."
"I do believe there is a shop around here that you can get some dirt from, I think..."
"I think it's on Petunia? No... Sunflower? No, no...."
"Okay, how about you defeat a few Cogs for me while I check the shop register."
"Come back once you've defeated a few and I'll tell you where to go."
"You'll love it though, Bert's a real hoot!"

After defeating some Level 6+ Cogs

"Okay, here we go! It's "Dirt. Cheap." on Tulip Terrace."
"Uncle Mud should be able to help you out."
"I can't wait for you to have fun with Bert!"

After returning from Bert

"Wasn't... that... just... the... COOLEST?!"
"Ah, man! Bert's just the best!"
"Phew! Okay, what else can I show you around town now..."
"Oh yeah! Cool Ray!"
"He's just about the coolest rabbit you could find!"
"Go on over to his shop on Sunflower Street! It's Cool Ray's Rad-ish Makeovers!"
"You'll love him, I promise!"

Never Out Of Style

"Wasn't Cool Ray just the coolest?"
"Gee, well... I guess maybe you're just not a partier like me and my pals!"
"That's alright, no need to keep you stringing along with me then, let's have you talk to one of our other officers!"
"Resistance Ranger Reed's been a bit moody lately honestly, so let's have you talk to Petunia."
"She's real sweet, so I'm sure you guys will have a good time!"
"Have fun, [Toon Name]!"