Uncle Mud

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Uncle Mud is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Dirt. Cheap located on Tulip Terrace in Daffodil Gardens.


Uncle Mud is a blue rabbit who wears a purple Bottom Stripe shirt and coral Shorts with Belt.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Uncle Mud appears in the following task: Bert. His dialogue during this task is as follows:


"Ey you looks like a Toon that really likes tuhh roll around in duh mud!"
"Hows about you help yer ol' uncle out?"
"Whaddya mean I'm not yet uncle?"
"I'm ol' Uncle Mud!"
"Eh, fuggedaboutit, you wants some dirt, yeah?"
"Then hows about you take out some of dems Money Bags for me eh?"
"Always walking 'round like dey own duh place, tossing 'round their bags 'uh money, their snooty flat faces, I can't stand dems."
"You take a few of dem out, you got some real cheap dirt."

After defeating 2 Money Bags

"Ey that's a good job you did right dere!"
"You knows what, maybe you could help me out some more."
"You see I got a big ol' tummy here, and a pal of mine keeps telling me tuh eat my greens."
"It's a little embarrassing so I was hoping you could go on ova' to her and gets her meal for me."
"Her shop's Honeydew Dis on dis street."
"I appreciate it pal."

After returning from Caesar

"Ey! You came through for yer ol' Uncle Mud!"
"Ah yeah, whatevuh', so what if I'm not yer uncle."
"Anyways, here's yer dirt. Enjoy it, kid!"
"And I'll be enjoying dis salad with a bit of chocolate syrup on top!"
"It sure is easy eating right!"
"See ya, kid!"