Naggy Nell

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Naggy Nell is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Honeydew This located on Tulip Terrace in Daffodil Gardens.


Naggy Nell is a maroon cat who wears a cream Bottom Stripe shirt and the Blue & Gold skirt.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Naggy Nell appears in the following task: Bert. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:


"Hey there, stranger!"
"Well aren't you going to greet me properly?"
"And you really need to straighten your shirt, and when's the last time you combed your fur?"
"I'm sorry, where's my manners..."
"I'm so used to pointing people in directions, I'm told it's a very bad habit of mine."
"Anyways, what can I do for you?"
"Oh, my old Uncle Mud!"
"I gotta be honest with you by the way, I don't think he's really my uncle, but he keeps saying he is..."
"Either way, he really needs to eat a bit better so I've been helping him with eating right!"
"I've been giving him delicious salads all the time when he drops by, however I don't have any right now."
"If you go to Caeser at The Salad Bar just up the street you'll be able to pick up a fresh one!"
"And straighten up your posture, you don't want a sore back!"
"Have a good time!"